in the Spring of 2012 i was a more than busy person doing my radio show – countless radio interviews with many talk show hosts and trying to stem off the near infinite insanity regarding the “end of the world 2012” baloney … i had been invited to Hollywood Universal Studios to shoot a 6 part series for the History Channel entitled “Countdown to Apocalypse” where i talked about the planet X issue (the real planet X issue) and was asked to be the expert source on the Legends and Prophesies of the Hopi Indians … During the same trip i was an in studio guest on the Coast to Coast AM show with host George Noory where he was releasing his latest book “Talking to the Dead” and we had photos taken in the Studio that later appeared in the LA Times showing George with an internationally recognized “guest” live in the LA studio … at the same time i was contacted by a television group from Japan the equivalent of the US popular TV sunday news program 60 Minutes … when i asked the director what the percentage of people in Japan who watched the show i was amazed to hear that EVERYONE … yes literally everyone in Japan stopped whatever they were doing and watched this show every week (unlike in the US where even 60 minutes has to compete with sports or other prime time TV … in Japan EVERYONE watched this show) … they dedicated a show to the topic of Planet X and they flew an entire staff with interpreter (their agent from New York) and camera and sound men and arrived at my personal recording studio where we conducted the intensive 3 hour interview which they edited for the one hour show that then aired in Japan … literally everyone in Japan saw the edited version … BUT you can see the entire uncut 3 hour interview as it occurred in my studio on August 8, 2012 … one must realize that … first of all the people of Japan had not been inundated with Planet X hype so we did not even discuss the many absurd disinformation ploys that you all were subjected to in the “modern western countries” … they were relatively innocent when it comes to the topic of Planet X … they wanted the real story and that is why they contacted me … the lead producer himself came and conducted the interview … in terms of “hot buttons” this rated at the tip top of their list … we also talked extensively outside of this interview and ended the 2 day session with supper and further discussion as well as well as international camaraderie that was wonderful … this was a once in a lifetime experience … A MUST SEE !!!! available individually or in the library packages that include CDs and DVDs