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How to Watch & Listen to the Live Weekly Television & Radio Shows

“Master of Science” Live TV show from Bold Brave Studios New York, NY – Tuesday Evenings 7PM ET – click on banner below
“The James McCanney Science Hour – At the Crossroads” Live Short Wave radio show WWCR Nashville, TN – Thursday Evenings 7 PM ET (scroll down for many ways to listen)

Produced by James McCanney & jmccanneyscience, LLC

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(FOR ARCHIVES of past shows visit the weekly radio TV archive sub page –> click here Weekly Radio & TV Shows Archive Sub Page

… for people who want to know the truth

Now heard world wide – live on short wave – satellite & internet

also … all shows are archived – listen anytime – all current and past shows (over 2 decades and counting) link below

1) Short wave schedule – WWCR – Nashville, Tennessee … the most powerful radio station in the world with four 100,000 watt transmitter … additionally all short wave airings concurrently stream on the internet from … see details below …

* 7 PM Eastern Time Thursdays – the live commercial free broadcast – streaming at Tower # 2 and on WWCR Shortwave on 5.935 MHz winter frequency or 9.350 MHz summer time frequency (it not longer simulcasts on 6.115) – the change between winter and summer frequencies follows daylight savings time dates annually (usually mid March and mid September the exact date is set annually by the FCC) … my show is in the evening so the 5.935 frequency is better during wintertime when it is after sundown while 9.350 is better during the summer months when it is during daylight hours … this DOES NOT affect the friday evening or saturday morning show airings (see details below) which remain the same year round … mark your calendars … also listen online streaming at select “Listen Online” then select “Tower # 2” OR listen on your phone or computer using applications such as “TUNEIN RADIO” or “Radio Garden”  (search for “wwcr2 tunein” and if you have the tunein app click on the selection and it will launch .. or google search “WWCR2 Tunein” and click on the link it will launch your TUNEIN phone app) or another phone application is Radio Garden … available on most devices … the WWCR internet stream sometimes is a few seconds delayed in time from the live short wave show so if you go exactly on time the prior show may still be playing (wait and my show will begin) … NOTE when listening to the WWCR live stream it will occasionally stop to buffer for up to a minute and then resume … this is NORMAL because of the large number of listeners … on nights with very high numbers of listeners you may “buffer” many times … the audio will not be lost … just wait and it will resume picking up where it left off … DO NOT log off and log back in as you will lose content … just be patient and stay on line … and remember you can always listen to the archive on the archive sub-page on this web page (click on the Radio Show in the header menu and select “Archives” … the archived show is usually posted shortly after the Thursday evening live broadcast … it will be posted along with all shows going back to about the year 2000) … the archives do not include the many thousands of radio and TV appearances i have made over the decades with other hosts … that would include thousands more interviews but unfortunately not housed here. You can see historically major presentations of me and my work in the archives (free and always commercial free) or on products available on the products sales page.

* 11 PM Eastern Time Fridays – re-airing of the Thursday night live show go to the web page and listen online streaming.

* 4 AM Eastern Time Saturdays – re-airing of the Thursday night live show go to the web page and listen online streaming.

* Listen to the archives weekly by joining my Patreon Channel by contributing a small (or large) monthly donation.

NOTE … the 11PM Friday and 4AM Saturday times are repeat airings of the live Thursday night show and air via Pastor Peter J. Peters Scriptures for America World Broadcast Network … I have been a guest many times on Pastor Peters’ radio show which airs 24 hours a day … also see his web site at … Pastor Peters was a real pastor with real information … not the powder puff feel good religious “happy-talk” you hear elsewhere … he understood the many issues that affect our nation and world today and tells it like it is … he also understood what the bible and ancient documents really tell us in the “modern age” … unfortunately Pastor Peters passed away in the spring of 2011 but his work is being continued by his dedicated staff …

2) Archives of all recent and past shows (going back to around the year 2000) are available on this home web site … scroll down and follow the “weekly radio show archives sub-page” link and select the date for the show you wish to hear … all are free … the only support this page receives is from sales of books – DVDs and the Water filters and other items you need to be fully informed and ready in today’s complex world (we do not accept donations except via the “jmccsci” Patreon Channel)


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click here —> Weekly Radio Show Archives Sub Page

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