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Below are 13 photos of the talking points for my September 06, 2018 radio show … listen and then look at these pictures …. click on the images for full screen view
the 6 sided hex pattern with 7 coins of the same size … since the storms on saturn’s north pole are the same energy they are the same size … you will see later the earth’s own patterns that vary at the south pole

Aurora at pole of Jupiter is similar to earth polar auroral ring that is always there day and night 365 days of the year … by the way that is why it is so laughable when the NASA mouth piece fake science news media outlets talk about huge auroras and point to lapland or such northerly places that the auroras are there all the time … below a screen shot of the earth.nullschool.net web

page showing you looking at earth’s south pole … see the storm patterns which are not all the same size and at this time there is not a single storm at the exact south pole but if you look at this site you will eventually see the 6 sided storm system form … these are all storms created by electrical currents from the ionosphere

hurricane is powered by electrical currents from the ionosphere which are in turn powered by electrical currents from the sun

see all the other weather patterns in the atmosphere … whereas earth has only 5 bands in counter-rotating directions driven by electrical currents in the upper atmosphere, Jupiter has 3 … always an ODD NUMBER … because there are symmetrical bands above and below the equator and then the equatorial electron band so always an ODD NUMBER of band

lightning above and below clouds … the cloud according to my theoretical work is the intermediary in a much larger electrical circuit that extends to the sun lightning inside a tornado which also was just a water spout … HMMM !?!?!? do you think the

electrical current has anything to do with the tornado water spout ??? standard science says NO … unreleated just coincidence they say … the fact is that the electrical current coming from the ionosphere is what creates and drives this just like hurricanes and jupiter’s great red spot below many water spouts on the leading edge of a severe storm system … do you see all the

little ones forming besides the two large ones ??? all powered by the same electrical source … standards science (excuse me .. i mean fake science that you are taught in school) says that storms are caused by two clouds rubbing together … what do you believe ??? and finally the Saturn HEX pattern at its north pole (it will be at the south pole when saturn

little ones forming besides the two large ones ??? all powered by the same electrical source … standards science (excuse me .. i mean fake science that you are taught in school) says that storms are caused by two clouds rubbing together … what do you believe ??? and finally the Saturn HEX pattern at its north pole (it will be at the south pole when saturn

below is a photo of lightning around and above a volcano ash cloud … the lightning is OUTSIDE the cloud and to the sides so how could the electricity be generated inside this cloud as stated by standard fake science … here is a funny story … i had this picture on a poster session at an American Geophysical Union meeting and had a crowd of grad students around me discussing this … up came their advisor very angry that they were talking to me … their advisor huffed and puffed and stated that this was due to updrafts in the ash cloud and one of his students (astutely) stated “But professor the lightning is to the outside of the cloud” which was exactly correct … their advisor reprimanded them and hauled them all away … another volcanic plume with lightning

nearby and some around the outside of the plume water spout the last photo below … a big one !!! and close !!! see the small cloud from which this develops … certainly not the source of power for this stormy activity … it is the electrical

08/09/2018 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show note – Diamonds in space ??? But i thought in “school” they said diamonds could only form in the tremendous pressure deep in the earth … if there are billions of diamonds in space would that not make going into space profitable and ruin the monopoly of the diamond families on earth ??? so where do diamonds really come from ???
Below is a series of photos … the first is an artist’s conception of a galaxy with countless diamonds that create the light we see coming from galaxies … the recently confirmed experimental evidence is very convincing … and astronomers say “oh sure … “they come from the heat out there” … but wait a minute … space is COLD remember … so cold that allegedly only frozen comets made of ice could exist … so where is all the heat to make diamonds enough to fill all of space in a galaxy ??? i discuss this in my book “The Diamond Principle” see more pics below …

photo below shows a view of a real galaxy namely our very own Milky Way Galaxy … so all that light is from diamonds they say … my work explains that in laboratory experiments they can create nano-diamonds using exactly the same conditions that exist in my Plasma Discharge Comet Model … read my book The Diamond Principle for details … also … someone posted the following on a popular web page that posted the article about the discovery of diamonds being the source of galaxy light … here is the post …
odd – Professor James McCanney has been talking about diamonds in space for years and discusses the REAL cause of diamonds in space including the laboratory experiments to back up his claims that they form in the electric fields of comets. The article claims that “heat in space” is the cause – how ridiculous. Previously we were told that diamonds had to form deep in the earth under tremendous pressures. Now they are found in space where there is NO pressure. Sounds like standard science cannot keep its story straight and people repeat it without so much as a whisper. Additionally, McCanney has been censored from youtube for years in fact youtube would erase any comments including his name. With all the nut cases and phony “science” on youtube, only real people that cause real issues for the controllers get censored. Thus, the old adage that when they censored the first person no one noticed or cared. Then they came for the next persons and only then did people start to notice because it affected them.

07/26/2018 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show note – Comet Photos Comet 67P … where is the snow ice and water ??? there ain’t none
Below is a series of photos of Comet 67P recently returned from the Rosetta Mission cameras … supposedly comets are dirty snow balls correct ?? NOT !!! the surface you see in these pictures is very dark and consists of organic molecules in the form of grains of sand that have eroded from the rocky comet nucleus … in NASA’s original “artist conceptions” of comets they showed white snow with water gushing off the surface like a steam locomotive of yester year … but that is not happening either … NASA wants to spend decades and waste more money to dig into a comet to find the water that they still claim is there … but bongo … there is nothing coming off the nucleus to form the water tail we observe from a distance so … give it up already … one scientist did in public the lead scientist on the Rosetta team … but he was silenced … see more pics below …

the photo below shows another angle of the “not so snowy” hot dry rock nucleus … you can click on these figures for a screen sized view … note in the next 3 photos you can see the geological layering which took place BEFORE this rock was blown out of the mother planet or star … this is NOT a fluffy little snow ball left over from the origin of the solar system … this is a geologically layered piece of rock … see all the evidence of geologically compressed layers in the next 3 photos

another close up showing the erosion caused by the electron beam that hits the comet nucleus constantly as it discharges the solar capacitor cutting and creating the sand you see on the surface
don’t forget to visit the more Pictures of the Day below lots to see and read about there … listen to my weekly commercial free radio show and Paid Cast for details … jim mccanney

07/12/2018 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show note – Proto Planet Formation From Comets confirmed
Below is a photo of a series of photos of recently discovered planets information around other stars … what do all have in common ??? the planets are forming as i have stated from COMETS … this is how planets form … the idea that super weal fields of gravity can pull in material from great distances is absurd … it cannot happen as i realized in the 1970s … also electrical forces are usually contained so there has to be a very subtle mechanism that creates the conditions to form planets … so when you read my books you will understand these processes … now look at the first photo … 2 planets forming around a star … comets you say ??? yes

the photo below was just released astronomers … Europe’s Very Large Telescope captured this image .. the star is blotted out with a mask (center dark spot) … the planet is the bright spot off to lower right image and also you see the nebular ion cloud surrounding the star … the object is a comet … click on the image for a full screen image and see that the planet is forming in a faint disk or ring of material and the planet already has a significant atmosphere … the problem with the “traditional” collapse theory of planet formation is that the collisions create so much heat by small individual impacts that all the vapor (gasses for atmosphere and volatiles such as water) escape and never form … so NASA and traditional astronomy cannot tell you where the the oceans or atmospheres of planets come from (including earth)
below is another star called HL Tauri which has a saturnian structure (actually our own sun is

very similar and we see out Sun’s ring system called the “Zodiacal Light” … comets form in the gaps as stated in my paper “Saturn Sweeper Moons Predicted” … read my books to understand how saturn convinced me that both saturn and jupiter are small stars and similar to our sun with ongoing fusion in the atmospheres …

see pic below (this is posted on my home page with explanation) of a star with a nebular ion cloud surrounding with many comets forming planets in what would be the equivalent of what astronomers call the “kuiper belt” where planets are forming including pluto which i stated long ago was a comet … (see picture of the day below regarding pluto farther below for more details on that)

06/07/2018 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show note – NASA’s Fake News announcement of “life on mars” … looking for water in all the wrong places …
Below is a photo of a satellite photo of the martial surface from an early Mars orbiter … pristine … untouched by billions and billions of years ??? so last week NASA makes an amazing announcement that they allegedly discovered some organic molecules (or distant relatives thereof) and as they claimed in a massive pre-announced news release with LOTS OF HYPE that they had discovered life on mars … then quickly stated in the articles that really they had NOTHING … a chemical analysis of some hybrid organic molecules that they claimed were billions of years old from rocks that they stated without reason were billions of years old … but of course what they were really looking for was continuing funding for upcoming missions with the european space agency … well lots of salaries and the usual list of suspects were in need of congressional funding … but look at the pic below … water was flowing on mars a short time ago as ensured by the river in the pics below which would be all destroyed if “billions of years old” … as the old country western tune went … “lookin’ for luv water in all the wrong places” … i have many many pics on my “picture of the day sub page” on mars and its surface water features with a few new ones below …

the rover landed in the circle on the pic below … a lot of sand erosion in this area BUT look to the upper right area and you see a full blown river bed draining into this crater … but of course no water … the water was removed during the Venus event just a few thousand years ago

05/31/2018 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show note – Navajo Power Plant Controversy …
Below is a photo of the Navajo mega coal fired power plant which serves southern california and arizona customers and is owned not really by the Navajo tribe although it is on their land … the coal comes from the Peabody owned facility also on navajo land and the pollution goes to you … but is there another solution … unfortunately the Navajo tribe is being conned into installing massive amounts of solar panels which will NOT replace this 2.25 giga watt installation as i discuss on my show this week … i redid my calculations and will discuss those on next week’s show plus i will be giving many new statistics about this plant and the phony baloney plan to replace this plant with solar panels … to put it bluntly … the navajo nation has been sold a bill of goods making the “sale” of the island of manhattan for a few strings of beads look like a great deal for the natives …

05/26/2018 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show note – Nature and Man …
Below is a photo of a terraced mountain side … man modifying nature to all for growth as a species … man is the only creature that we know of that modifies his environment while all others live with what god has given them on this planet … is man the smart one or will time tell that by not relying on nature completely and by creating more concentrated food than normally would exist are we creating out own doom … in other words … when a catastrophic event occurs … our dependency on mass creation of food will in fact be our downfall … jim mccanney

02/22/2018 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – what if we burnt all the coal and oil on earth??? the pic below shows a coal mine in kasakhstan … the scene is repeated the world over … every year we burn and burn and burn with a full 80% being lost to atmospheric heating BUT also we are burning up the earth’s oxygen … you really don’t believe that fable in the text books about the amazon jungle replenishing our O2 do you ??? if we burnt all the coal and oil on earth we would likewise burn up all the O2 … no one is monitoring this little secret … not to mention the unbridled pollution that goes with this … my paid casts starting this past january are covering these topics in detail … be sure to sign up with the link at the top of the home page for the paid casts

01/11/2018 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – is there life out there ??? the pic below shows a spiral galaxy in distant outer space … Zillions of stars (ZILLIONS AND CAZILLIONS to be more exact) … are there biped beings ??? with 2 eyes and 2 ears and … SOULS ??? spirits ??? do they have feelings do they love and hate and are they lazy and frail like humans and energetic and visionary too ??? did this all happen by its self ??? or is the result of an infinite grand design ??? YOUR SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES ARE FILLED WITH ATHEISTS WHO WANT TO TEACH YOUR KIDS THERE IS NO GRAND DESIGN … THAT ALL THIS JUST HAPPENED AT RANDOM !!!

12/07/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – Comet Tail Christmas Star the pic below shows the Christmas star which by legend had a “tail” that came to rest on the birthplace of Christ … modern astronomers say it was a “planetary alignment” and now even try to say it did not happen … anything to deny the real truth … the painting is by John Williams

below is the pic i talked about on my show this week … this is Buzz Aldrin the alleged 2nd man on the moon … an unverified scientific claim … BUT Buzz is sporting his new new york designer clothes and a ???? FLAG ???? WHAT THE ?!?!?!?! are they trying to tell us something … in Buzz’s new book he says NASA should go to Mars by 2040 … 2040 ?!?!?! we will all be dead by then why on earth would i want to support that ??? listen to my show for more discussion
11/30/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – Comet Tail Disconnection Events the pic below shows comet C2016R2 with its tail being separated (let the animation load you will see it moving) … but what is the cause ??? this is the topic of my show this week

08/31/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – Hurricane Harvey the pic below shows Hurricane Harvey from space … i discuss in my show this week
don’t forget to visit the other Pictures of the Day below lots to see and read about there … listen to my weekly commercial free radio show and Paid Cast for details … jim mccanney

below is Comet Lovejoy with another tail separation event … once again the standard fairy tale science explanation does not explain what is observed … they say that the tail becomes sideways and the solar wind interacts with the tail BUT clearly below the picture shows the tail disconnection occurs directly behind the comet not out to the side … but one could “debate” this all day … the real proof that comets are not dirty snow balls came when the European Space Agency landed on Comet 67P and confirmed there is no water nor snow nor subsurface moisture and of course nothing coming off the nucleus to form the tail …

11/02/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – PLANETS FORMING BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES the pic below shows planets in formation around a star exactly like our own … NASA and astronomers are astonished that they are finding hundreds of planets in a distant region known as the Kuiper Belt and they cannot figure out why there are so many and how they got there … bizarre speculations range the field but there is a single simple answer that i produced in my original work (in fact i used a picture similar the this one in my published papers in the early 1980s) i discuss in my show this week
don’t forget to visit the other Pictures of the Day below lots to see and read about there … listen to my weekly commercial free radio show and Paid Cast for details … jim mccanney

08/17/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – Comet Holmes and The Ancient Greek Myth of Sisyphus the pic below shows comet Holmes which had a visible coma larger than the sun

below is an artist conception of the Myth of Sisyphus … listen to my August 17, 2017 commercial free radio show for details
don’t forget to visit the other Pictures of the Day below lots to see and read about there … listen to my weekly commercial free radio show and Paid Cast for details … jim mccanney

08/10/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – May 29, 1919 Eddington experiment SHAMA SCAMMA DOOOO … produces a century of bad science the pic below shows results of the poorly performed Eddington experiment where he took pictures of stars that were allegedly affected by the mass of the sun … the stars should appear to move outwards as the light is allegedly bent around the sun (photographed during a total solar eclipse on May 29, 1919) … BUT the stars do not move outwards from the center of mass of the sun … they move in all directions except radially outwards … this alone should have been questioned … but not in the world of shamma scamma science … this was not einstein’s fault as he openly denied the effects of general relativity throughout his life

below is the picture showing more results of “gravitational lensing” … this only works if you are a drunk sailor on furlow night on the town … how in the universe could anyone look at this and base 100 years of cosmology on these results … the stars are SUPPOSED to move radially outwards … they are bending in the non-uniform local electric fields near the sun … they should be radial with distance but gee whiz batman and boy wonder robin … this is disturbing at best … literally none of them are radially moving and those farther away from the center of the sun should have less movement … this is hardly “convincing data” … i also point out many some modern anomalies in my DVD #4 University Level Astronomy Course on my sales page in looking at bending of light around galaxies the same bad science is promoted AND NO ONE SEEMS TO CARE …

below is the eddington graph of the line fit of outward movement but this is a total misrepresentation of the real data above … he ignores the fact that the data above does not go radially outwards and notice that the bending displacement is also all over the place in the real photos and nice and neatly placed in his “interpretation” below SHAMMA SCAMMA … Eddington

below is a diagram of the famous eddington experiment .. note how only a few choice data points are included that are fudged they are not from the real data set … eddington would have made a fine NASA employee … data photo of the same region of the sky without the sun present is compared to the sky with the solar eclipse … this is done on a “blink comparator” which allows one to see the negatives of 2 photos at the same time … you can easily detect movement of celestial objects … but notice that the distance of

point is that with thousands of amateur astronomers out there with equipment better than what eddington had it would be as simple task to redo this and prove that the bending is not due to gravity … if not gravity then what is it ??? my Induced Electric Dipole Red Shift which is easily proved in the laboratory is the true cause of bending of light and it predicts that the results will be all over the place as in the real data as the electric field of the sun is constantly changing and bending in the vicinity of the sun … there are other fish to fry in the world of general relativity … the precession of the orbit of mercury was one example … einstein suggested this could be caused by general relativity but there again it is the tail drag of the planet as it is acting like a comet discharging the local capacitor which is enormous near the sun that is continually altering its orbit again an electrical effect

bending of gravitational space and the curved space concepts of einstein revolutionized newtonian physics (photo below) … but the question is … does gravity affect light and electromagnetic radiation and my answer is a resounding NO and the very experiments that are said to prove general relativity in fact denounce it 100 %
don’t forget to visit the Picture of the Day sub-page below lots to see and read about there … listen to my weekly commercial free radio show and Paid Cast for details … jim mccanney

08/03/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – Atmospheric Electricity the pic below shows results of atmospheric electricity … this pic was taken by a fish eye lense on a time exposure of the evening night sky in of all places Iran (no not by me) … see the light bands in the sky … standard science claims this is due to “gravity waves” and “chemical reactions” … neither explanation holds even a drop of water … clearly the earth is connecting to our space environment

07/27/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – Atlantis in the South China Sea AND modern HBOT machines that duplicate ancient atmospheres the pics below show the South China Sea and the Sunda Strait between JAVA and Sumatra … the ancient mariners would enter what is now the Strait of Sunda then swing north around what is now Malaysia and Borneo and into what is now the South China Sea … we will examine the underwater topography remembering that Atlantis was a vast plain larger than all of asia minor with the ringed city on a mountain (currently island) and the approach was a cut through vast bogs making it the geographically most protected empire on earth .. remember also this was before the pole shift and oddly enough it is one of the places on earth that did not change latitudes after the shift

is another photo showing the map of the region as we see ocean levels today … the Strait of Sunda is noted with the orange marker

below … another map of what we call indonesia … the area is rich in ancient monuments but the real region of interest is below the sea … read on now here is where it gets interesting as we look a the underwater topography of the south

china sea … this is the ONLY place on the planet that matches the description of Atlantis and the entrance to the Straight of Sunda is where the Pillars of Hercules are still found in the 5 volcanoes including Krakatoa … the mariners could see these from hundreds of miles away at night … try that with the Rock of Gibraltar … sorry that old wives tail does not meet the test … the bogs of floating grasses still create a shipping hazzard in the south china sea one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world … remember that at the time

the sea level was about 150 feet lower than now making this all a passable region by the wooden trading ships of the times … the depths here are in “fathoms” (about 1.8 meters) … the depths in the Strait run about 200 feet deep … note the many volcanoes (one of which is missing today because of a massive volcanic explosion in historical times) … the discovery of Atlantis was made by a physics professor from Brazil showing this to be the only place on earth that could be Atlantis Dr Arysio Santos … my own “discovery” came in the 1990’s as i was on the internet and accidentally backed into a secure navy site stationed in northern australia … they were excavating atlantis … in the south china sea … the chinese government was very angry at the US presence … where did all the archaeological treasures go ??? we may never know

below the red X’s mark the Pillars of Hercules that guarded the entrance to Atlantis … imagine coming into this region in an ancient phoenician sailing vessel to the advanced city of atlantis with its Tesla Tower in the form of Poseidon with his pitch fork skyward discharging the vertical electric field and many flying saucers using electromagnetic propulsion systems coming in and out riding what i call “the Electric Rivers to the Stars” (listen to my DVD talk at the 2003 UFO Congress using that same title and my recent Paid Cast also of the same title … this is the term i coined to represent my work in this area) … you will note when any fake “identification of Atlantis” is printed … it never will include the true location … real information is blocked at all fronts from reaching you the public looking at this

switching gears to ancient atmospheres … below is the composition of today’s atmosphere … listen to my lecture on my commercial free show to expose the lies about CO2 … but the ancient atmospheres had about 2 times the amount of O2 we have today and much less nitrogen and A LOT more CO2 … a much healthier environment
below is a photo of an HBOT or HyperBaric Oxygen Treatment facility … why do people have to get “extra oxygen” to cure all kinds of deseases ??? including aging … why are we told that ancient people lived for very long times ??? why are people today constantly putting creams and lotions on their bodies because they are so dry ??? could it be because the earth’s atmosphere was different in ancient times and we are stuck now in an atmosphere that is deficient … more water … more O2 and more CO2 to make vibrant plant growth … and what do we have for science ??? AL GORE ?!?!?! wow
don’t forget to see the Pictures of the Day below lots to see and read about there … listen to my weekly commercial free radio show and Paid Cast for details … jim mccanney
07/20/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – World Water Shorelines and more information on glaciation – shoreline changes – world water situation and more the pics below show desertification around the world … most of this is man made … you would think that global climate change “concerned scientists” would be squawking about this or Fukushima but not a peep
is another photo showing the desert regions of africa … one would imagine that africa is the worst land with depleted regions but wait until you see other pictures showing the USA has the most depleted land in the world thanks to monsanto and corporate farming … in africa the sahara desert (orange region top of africa) is a man made desert
below … the degraded soil look at the “bread basket of the USA” … right up there with the most depleted land in the world …note that the majority of the world has degraded soil to the point at which if we depended on it for food we may all starve to death BUT remember my past shows i made a determination that the entire world population could eat organic food grown in an area smaller than the state of iowa … so with state after state covered in corn and soy beans where does it all go ??? not for food for you !!! desertification … where is it going next ??? see the map below
remember last week i showed the Laurentian Ice Shield ??? below is a topo map … this was the north pole before the Venus event notice how greenland was included in the glaciation then and is in the glaciation that we currently have … if you estimate the center of this ice cap based on this map it would correspond to the area i measured when i surveyed the mayan ruins in mexico and central america … in the region north of what is now the state of michigan in ontario that was the north pole prior to the pole shift and that is why we now see the magnetic pole migrating towards the rotational north pole they are still trying to align after all this time … note how it does not extend into siberia to the upper left in the diagram assuring that i am correct about this being the old north pole
below is the silt run off from the laurentian ice shield as it melted and note that the great lakes were buried under it … that is why they are giant ocean sized lakes with NO SALT … standard science has no explanation for that one looking forward … if all the ice in antarctica and greenland melted this is what our shorelines would look like but don’t hold your breath … those ice packs are growing contrary to climate change hysteria
don’t forget to visit the other Picture below … lots to see and read about there … listen to my weekly commercial free radio show and Paid Cast for details … jim mccanney
07/13/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – World Water Shorelines before the Great Flood the pics below shows the location of the Laurentian Ice Cap which was the source of some of the great glaciers and note the southern hemisphere antarctica was not where it is now relative to the spin axis of earth .. note how the ice cap does not go into russia nor siberia which was temperate at the time …
below is another photo showing the shorlines at the same time … most of what are now islands in the caribbean were connected to north and south america and the entire world had similarly low coast lines … where did the water from the great flood go ???
below … the bust of the main god of the greek pantheon Zeus was one of the planets as were all … but Venus was a comet … in her correct representations … all destroyed by modern science and corrupted history …
… listen to my weekly commercial free radio show and Paid Cast for details … jim mccanney
07/06/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – World Water Shortage the pics below show the dire conditions that can strike anywhere at any time … but many regions of the world will always struggle with water issues … there are many solutions … i am working in the background on many varying solutions and have just introduced one that is currently available … removing water from the air in machines known as Atmospheric Water Generators AWGs … many of us live in water rich areas and also have infrastructures that deliver water … but the face of the world is changing … my water filters are needed now in even the most modern countries because of severe pollution and chemicals added to the water at municipal water plants … here are some pics to ponder … one of my new product line available in any location in the world … this is a mid sized model AWG removing up to 1000 Liters per Day of clean filtered water from the air …
below is another photo showing a california dam empty of water … oddly enough recent flooding changed the situation to where it is now a threat to communities down stream … this shows how volatile the water situation can be within short periods of time
below … you could be living in or near a water shortage area … imagine if we could “green” all of these areas … in my “11 Earth Mega Projects” sub page i have some projects that include bringing spring melt waters to the american south west and also harvesting water from Greenland and Antarctica to bring to drought needy areas of the globe … i hope that in the next 10 years these projects will actually be underway … the image below is a reality in all too many places in the world … i have seen this first hand in many many places … this can be cured … the reality is that within 15 years almost all people in the world will be “water challenged” and most already are … add to this the control and ownership of greedy companies like Nestles CocaCola and the Royal Bank of Canada plus greedy governments selling water rights out from under people … we have a severe problem on our hands … will wars be fought over water ??? they have been fought over oil …
… listen to my weekly commercial free radio show and Paid Cast for details … jim mccanney
06/29/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – The Science of Life the pics below shows DNA being built and the building blocks of DNA called nucleotides made up of smaller organic molecules which of themselves are not living beings … so my question to standard science that would have you believe there is no creator divine plan … what scientific explanation do they have for why some molecules after getting to a certain stage … begin acting like living beings and disobeying the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics … how do they explain this … there are other bigger questions but if they cannot even explain this in their “text books” … then how are we to take “evolution” seriously ??? and now the pics
below is another photo relating organic molecules with what we call the basis of “life”
one more diagram below … so what makes this the basis of life ??? i guarantee you no one on this planet can answer that question and certainly not with “evolution” don’t forget to visit the Picture of the Day sub-page (link below) lots to see and read about there … listen to my weekly commercial free radio show and Paid Cast for details … jim mccanney
06/22/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – Total Solar Eclipse coming August 21 in the USA
the pic below shows a total eclipse in progress …
below is a complete photo of a total eclipse … there is a lot of information on line … NEVER LOOK AT EVEN A SMALL PART OF THE SUN WITHOUT EYE PROTECTION
don’t forget to visit the Picture of the Day sub-page (link below) lots to see and read about there … listen to my weekly commercial free radio show and Paid Cast for details … jim mccanney
06/15/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – Hurricanes … where to they come from ??? the pic below shows a completely developed eye of a hurricane … there is not enough energy to create or maintain such a storm from warm ocean water so why do the standard news media and the gov science agencies continue to spout this ridiculous information … listen to my show for more details … and don’t forget to visit the Picture of the Day sub-page regularly lots and lots to see and read
below is a full blown hurricane … over kansas … what i call a himicane (my play on words) for a hurricane that develops over land … do you see any warm ocean water to create this mammoth storm ??? i don’t either … but also note the lightning this is part of the overall electric discharge of the earth’s electric field … for a better understanding of how these electric fields create hurricanes (and himicanes) see my weather book Principia Meteorologia The Physics of Sun Earth Weather on the sales page …
pic below … a water spout is a tornado over the over water and acts as a giant vacuum cleaner sometimes sucking up schools of fish and sending them flying through the air … these are electrically driven also and are seen many times on the leading edges of hurricanes as they make land fall
click on this pic for enlarged view … listen to my June 15, 2017 weekly commercial free radio show and Paid Cast for details … jim mccanney
06/08/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – SMOKE … from smoke stacks … what is the real issue ??
the pic below shows smoke stacks … belching not only smoke but tons of raw heat … lots more than any green house effect could ever create … so is the green house effect real ??? no it is not it is one of the biggest scientific myths of all time along with the moon is made of green cheese … but that is not the real issue the real issue is that we simply should not be burning up all this high energy content fuel to create electric energy … listen to my show for more details … and don’t forget to visit the Picture of the Day sub-page regularly lots and lots to see and read about there … link below this picture
click on this pic for enlarged view … listen to my June 08, 2017 weekly commercial free radio show and Paid Cast for details … jim mccanney
06/01/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – War of the Worlds … are we nigh for the planned New World Order False Flag Alien Invasion ???
the pic below shows art work by Richard Bizley dipicting a scene from Orson Wells 1938 “War of the Worlds” that created panic in the public … but Werner von Braun picture also below with a V2 german rocket cutaway design stated in a 1977 interview prior to his death with Dr Rosin that what he called then the “New World Order” had a phased plan including the Cold War which was already happening … an episode of planned terrorism that would set the public restrictions in place for the final phase that would be ushered in a single day with a false flag alien invasion … listen to my radio show this week as i discuss the US military War Games dealing with an “expected alien invasion” this ain’t no joke nor conspiracy theory the US mil boys are planning now !!! listen to my show of June 01, 2017 for more details … jim mccanney
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05/25/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes
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05/18/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes
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05/11/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes
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05/04/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes
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![]() look carefully at ALL the “Craters” … are they impact craters … bubbles bursting craters … OR in some rare cases in the solar system they can be electrical discharges … i have identified some on Callisto moon of Jupiter (see my original published papers from 1979 in the appendices of my Planet X Comets and Earth Changes book and also i repost in my Paid Cast for April 27, 2017 ) … but these appear to me to be either impact or bubbles … what is interesting to observe about craters is how they fade with time … we see many fresh craters as if a large passing comet with its trailing meteorite tail splattered the area recently … but many of the craters especially those fading into the new surfaced area are flooding from within … when we see this on the moon or mars we attribute this to material coming from outside BUT here there is no atmosphere and the surface is apparently solidified liquid of some kind (possibly organic gel or something similar) … look at the large crater just left of center of the pic and see it has a “ridge” running right through it … looks like the formative process illustrated above is at work destroying this crater indicating the surface renews itself regularly and is not 4.5 billion years old … by the way NASA on its various pages keeps miming the mantra that “comets crashed into these and caused the water to be there” but remember that when we visit comets they have NO WATER NO ICE NO SNOW on them … so a crashing small comet is not going to bring water and as usual they set the solution into never never land with non solutions … the real answer is that this moon had its entire load of water as it formed as a large comet attracting the water and storing it via my Plasma Discharge Comet Model … but anyway match the smooth new area to the picture above … |
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04/27/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – the depleted world
this week i discuss soil depletion around the world due to man made destruction … below is a map of the world … orange is highly depleted … note the central USA (due to monsanto and big agri) and the agricultural area of california and the american southwest … then the orange area is depleted but not completely … then the gray areas are desert where nothing grows much of which was caused by man … then look at the few white areas they are in regions not habitable for the most part … yes this is your world … for more details listen to my 04/27/2017 weekly radio show
04/13/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – diamonds are a comets best friend …
below is a carbon structure some call the “bucky ball” which is due to the fame made from Buckminster Fuller and the geo-desic dome which uses the same principle of putting the forces on all memebers equally so the structure is extremely stable and strong … but like carbon fiber the real strength is in the “stretching” component … this is the structure in which diamonds are formed in outer space
the following is an animation of the diamond crystal made up of 6 center side carbon atoms … 8 corner atoms … and 4 internal atoms … these then connect to other similar carbon crystal elements and make up the hardest material known to man … they form inside the above lattice
the following shows the many varieties of “cut” diamonds … actually they are not cut but are chipped along the crystal lattice faces … or facets … read my book “The Diamond Principle” for a real world view based on the diamond
below is the diamond tetrahedron geometric build … the pure diamond is clear and its facets reflect light internally giving the cut diamond its brilliant look
s below are the facets of the diamond crystal … all the cuts follow these planes within the crystal .. but how do you tell the difference between diamonds ??? because there are fractures … why are all diamonds fractured ??? listen to my show to find out
graphite is another form of carbon but oddly enough it is one of the softest materials known
the raw diamond can also be beautiful … but how did this form and where ???
04/06/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes ADDITIONAL PICTURE
04/06/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – lightning above the clouds … where on earth does that come from ???
Well actually none of earth’s lightning comes from earth itself … i discuss that in tonight’s show where i take the complete solar system electrical system and break it down … electricity … magnetism and many of the “ring currents” that we see … standard science is baffled by all of this and ignores most of it .. but pictures from private individuals come out is it now odd that NASA is not giving us this information … below a pic from an amateur in australia with rivers of electrical current coming in from above … standard science thinks that lightning comes out of the clouds … note how there are tributaries above the clouds
a main contributor to our misunderstanding of clouds and lightning comes from decades of incorrectly taught university level courses in meteorology and astronomy … a more distant pic below shows the snaking discharge and the broad spray of electrical current above a thunder storm … actually these currents are always there you just do not see them this brightly
the clouds are all by themselves … there are no “clouds rubbing together” to make this storm … my weather book Principia Meteorologia – The Physics of Sun Earth Weather talks about all of this not only on earth but on the various other planets
below another similar effect called Air Glow is shown below … i discussed this on prior shows and also discuss this in my books and teachings
click on this pic for enlarged view … listen to my april 06, 2017 weekly commercial free radio show for details … jim mccanney
03/30/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – Clear cutting as primary contributor to Climate Change
Thousands of years ago the earth was covered with forests .. it is said that during the time of Noah (listen to my Paid Cast of March 23, 2017 for a discussion of How Noah Built the Ark) man had destroyed the vegetation of the earth and man had sunk into an irreversible rut … so the word is that God destroyed the earth and all living creatures … he hit the giant red reset button … but man is at it again … the “Global Climate Change” people are inadvertently protecting the many forms of pollution and destruction of the earth by diverting the attention to something they fain to mention because scientifically it has no merit called “The Greenhouse Effect” … but i have shown that cutting vast amounts of forest contribute to climate change both locally and globally … below see the devastation at the Lewis and Clark River basin … just one of many many locations in the world … the belief that forests are a “renewable resource” is a convenient lie … below are 3rd growth forests … the original full growth forest were cut over 100 years ago
a main contributor to climate change … but why do the ivory towered prof’s never discuss this … it is politically incorrect and they would lose their precious funding … oh well … now they all are going to be searching for new employment thanks to trump dumping the EPA budget … now the EPA will be doing their real job of stopping pollution while businesses grow
click on this pic for enlarged view … listen to my march 30, 2017 Paid Cast and weekly commercial free radio show for details … jim mccanney
03/23/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – A wooden luxury sail boat being built in Turkey
Thousands of years ago the same boat building methods were common place … but Noah had a different task … he lived not by the sea but inland and was chosen by God to carry on the human race … in this week’s Paid Cast i show the actual design of the Ark and explain the design characteristics and how to build it … My estimate of how long it would have take Noah to build a 400 plus foot long boat may surprise you … based on my own experience of building, designing and watching building of large wooden craft
click on this pic for enlarged view … listen to my march 23, 2017 Paid Cast and weekly commercial free radio show for details … jim mccanney
03/16/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – Palm Springs massive 3 blade wind generator installation … but do they work ???
Thousands of decaying dinosaurs stretch for miles … some spinning due to motors that are inside required to get them started in low wind conditions … but to make it look “green” and convince the unsuspecting public that these are generating power … you will see some spinning very slowly …
below see the vast numbers of these … at around a million dollars each you would think that someone has put serious money into this expecting a long term return on investment … the reality is these were installed solely because of tax incentives … as soon as they break down … the “owners” no longer want to pay to fix them … so one by one they become idle … the other reality is that these were installed using tax credits … so people made money to install these AT YOUR EXPENSE … you paid for this mess but i bet you did not know that … some people have gotten extremely rich off this scam
below more of these stretch to the horizon for miles … on my weekly show this week i give facts and figures that should make you wind blown just listening to the scam that you have paid for … these were designed for failure … in my eBook “McCanney WING GENERATOR – World Energy Project” i discuss the unscrupulous world in a chapter called “The Myth of Alternative Energy”
click on this pic for enlarged view … listen to my march 16, 2017 weekly commercial free radio show for details … jim mccanney
03/09/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – Hoover Dam during drought not producing electricity
Lake Meade is the man made lade stopped by the immense Hoover Dam that has the capacity to generate 2 GegaWatts of electric power … but lately the water level is so low that it is not operating … below see the pic from a time when the lake was full … there used to be boating and fishing and camping around the lake … that is all gone with the severe drought
below is the recent photo of the lake bed down to the lowest levels ever in the history of the facility
below is a chart for the water levels historically since the beginning of record keeping with the new Hoover Dam …
click on this pic for enlarged view … listen to my march 09, 2017 weekly commercial free radio show and Paid Cast for details … jim mccanney
03/02/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – refinery taking chemicals that came to earth via comet encounters
So what is all the fuss about ??? is there a shortage of “oil” … that was the biggest hoax ever … oil is so abundant on earth that it rivals water … but then again there are people trying to tell you that there is a water shortage too … oil that we have access to on or beneath the surface of the earth came from earth passing through the tails of large comets … hydrocarbons fell like noah’s flood in fact the Great Flood was also the result of earth passing through a large comet tail … but SSSHHHHH don’t wake up the masses or university professors … they still think it came from dinosaur bones
click on this pic for enlarged view … listen to my march 02, 2017 weekly commercial free radio show and Paid Cast for details … jim mccanney
02/23/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – 1927 photo including Einstein
Solvay Conference On Photons And Electrons Quantum Physics 1927 … the world of quantum physics was young and spirited … at the center were names like Planck and Einstein … my lecture this week puts Einstein into perspective and his major achievements … many of which could have resulted in Nobel Prizes … when you realize what he did … where no one else was solving these problems … the modern name bashing suggesting that Einstein was a plagiarist copy cat is so beyond absurd that i had to dedicate a show on this topic which rightfully would take many shows to even scratch the surface … were all the great scientists in the picture below and all physicists since fooled into thinking Einstein was a genius ??? NO not at all … the reality is you first have to understand physics and the history of developments at these times … so i had to also venture at the reason why some morons are trying to hammer on the personal integrity of Einstein … see also my Paid Cast from February 16, 2017 for many more pictures
click on this pic for enlarged view … listen to my february 23, 2017 weekly commercial free radio show and Paid Cast for details … jim mccanney
02/16/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – The Double Helix … where does the chemistry begin for life … in Comet Tails using the theoretical work of my Plasma Discharge Comet Model
the idea that large molecules come from comets is not exactly new HOWEVER the idea that they are created in comet tails using electrical forces that work on atoms coming into the comet is new … in the “dirty snow ball comet model” once the discovery of nucleotides in comet tails was made astronomers concluded that the large molecules came from distant outer space … but where did they originate ??? they forgot to imagine that there would then have to be another process where the DNA was forming to get into the comets in the first place and really they ended up with another circular reasoning with no beginning or end … to the contrary my comet theory explains not only how the building blocks of DNA form in comet tails but also the entire structure of large molecules based on whatever is available in the region of the comet … since the tail material is coming into the comet nucleus …
click on this pic for enlarged view … listen to my february 16, 2017 weekly commercial free radio show and Paid Cast for details … jim mccanney
02/09/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – Andromeda M31 our neighbor galaxy has 14 dwarf galaxies orbiting it …
since this galaxy is bigger than the full moon and fully visible to the naked eye in the night sky you should all be familiar with it AND the ancients should also have known about galaxies and therefore our own plight in the universe with these islands of stars …
click on this pic for enlarged view … listen to my february 09, 2017 weekly commercial free radio show and Paid Cast for details of my discoveries that were made and published in the 1970s … jim mccanney
01/12/2017 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – Electrical Currents in the Galaxy … where does this energy come from
since the 1800s or even earlier modern astronomers have witnessed electrical currents in the cosmos … in our own planetary system and outside currents stretching between stars in the galactic arms … these turn out to be different in that their sources are different … the pic below is a great example of electrical currents running through the galactic arm through some stars in a local grouping …
the solution is complex … listen to my january 12, 2017 weekly commercial free radio show for details of my discoveries that were made and published in the 1970s … jim mccanney
12/01/2016 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – NEW !!! New Zealand earth quake damage and sink holes … all talking points on my commercial free radio show this week
next are pics sent to me by a fan of New Zealand of damage and sink holes after the major earth quakes …
New Zealand Earth Quake Pics
New Zealand Earth Quake Pics New Zealand Earth Quake Pics
New Zealand Earth Quake Pics
New Zealand Earth Quake Pics
New Zealand Earth Quake Pics
New Zealand Earth Quake Pics
New Zealand Earth Quake Pics
New Zealand Earth Quake Pics
New Zealand Earth Quake Pics
New Zealand Earth Quake Pics
… the report from the listener stated the ground shook like crazy for 2 minutes 20 seconds … i know … after 5 seconds in and EQ it becomes an eternity … jim mccanney
11/24/2016 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – A REAL meteorite … not a Rod From God … plus New Zealand earth quake sink holes … all talking points on my commercial free radio show this week
i have posted pics of “rods from god” coming in (during my examination of the Ecuador earth quakes of spring 2016) … the above pic in Japan is a REAL meteorite … note how the tail is full and there is no thin streak coming out of the tail that lasts over the whole path (characteristic of a rod from god trail) …
next are pics sent to me by a fan of New Zealand of sink holes after the major earth quakes …
… i will be talking about this including the Grand Canyon on my show this week … jim mccanney
11/17/2016 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – The Black Spirals – referenced in my Nazca Lines – The Mystery Solved paper released December 31, 2016
Read my paper on Nazca Palpa Lines – The Mystery Solved for details .. this picture is what we were discussing on this weeks commercial free radio show with my special guest Sylvie Ivanowa … jim mccanney
11/10/2016 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – Saturn’s Southern Pole Hex Pattern
on my show this week i discuss the complex but interesting topic of this strange phenomenon on saturn … notice that there are many cyclonic storms included here that come and go as they rotate around the southern pole of saturn … how can we compare this to processes on the sun and earth our own weather systems to understand what is going on here … another picture of the Great Red Spot on Jupiter and its bands gives more insight … but what is so special on saturn ??? listen to my commercial free radio show for november 10 and find out … jim mccanney
09/15/2016 and 09/22/2016 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – Mathematics of the World Population – PART II (this week’s show also uses the population maps from last week’s show on the Picture of the Day notes from 09/08/2016 further below)
on my show this week i discuss the complex but interesting topic of earth’s population … follow my dialogue and the photos and charts below … we always assume that earth is “over populated” … but imagine how quickly it could become depopulated as in the case with Noah’s flood which resulted from the earth passing for 40 days and 40 nights through the tail of a large comet … very few survived the great flood … and the ear markings of the great flood are everywhere on earth … in spite of this modern “science” does not even teach that it happened … they minimize it to an alleged dam breaking and flooding a small part of the mid eastern countries … the plate below shows the active volcanoes of the world … listen to my radio show for september 15, 2016 for description … (click on the plates below for full screen view)
below is the fallout map of Mt Saint Helens ash field … listen to the discussion regarding ash fields and effects of volcanoes world wide
below is the earth topo map
listen to my radio show for september 15, 2016 for details … jim mccanney
09/08/2016 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – Mathematics of the World Population
on my show this week i discuss the complex but interesting topic of earth’s population … follow my dialogue and the photos and charts below … we always assume that earth is “over populated” … but imagine how quickly it could become depopulated as in the case with Noah’s flood which resulted from the earth passing for 40 days and 40 nights through the tail of a large comet … very few survived the great flood … and the ear markings of the great flood are everywhere on earth … in spite of this modern “science” does not even teach that it happened … they minimize it to an alleged dam breaking and flooding a small part of the mid eastern countries …
china and india are case studies in recovery from the 2 great great earth disasters at the hands of comets … all the charts and maps below click for full screen view …
today after just 30 years of intensive agriculture the world’s soil is depleted of naturally occurring minerals …
compare depleted soil with population profiles …
india’s population is not near the coast … what does that mean for world wide disasters and the population of india both historical and in the future …
the USA is the 3rd most populous country in the world … there are some interesting statistics … but combine mexico and the USA and let’s see what interesting statistics result …
below is another population density map of the USA
where do you live ???
let’s analyze the world population in terms of natural disasters
listen to my september 08, 2016 commercial free radio show for analysis of these charts and more … jim mccanney
09/01/2016 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – Hawaii Hurricanes Short Circuit Before Landfall AND how we can use this same physical method to stop hurricanes all over the world … i proposed this to the US military in 1995 and they have never responded … read to the end of this write up for details
This past week was a case study in my weather work !!! standard science cannot explain why their computer model predictions failed once again … two cat 3 hurricanes were bearing down on the Big Island of Hawaii and were predicted to hit full force … a double punch they said … the islands were told to prepare for total devastation … read the text and see pics below to see the data … see the storms and “predictions” as they progressed … on my show 09/01/2016 i discussed why both these (and other hurricanes) historically fizzle prior to land fall in Hawaii … it has to do with the electrical currents that drive the storms and what happens when they approach … this is unique in the world … and i have many documented cases … first see the topo maps below .. note the 13,500′ volcano on the southern flanks of this volcanically active island … also note the small island forming off the southern shore that is breaking water (no you cannot buy land there yet) … also notice how deep the water is off shore in all directions (click on pic for full screen view) … a few years ago a hurricane named Daniel approached Hawaii from the south east and shorted out to this small growing island off the southern shore and the electrical current created a 4.5 earth quake … the exact same scenario occurred in 2014 with another hurricane named Iselle … land fall hurricanes commonly cause earth quakes when the powerful electrical currents driving the storms short out to land and that current dives deep through fissures to ignite earthquakes … although this does not happen 100% of the time it is a common occurrence … and of course un-noticed by standard science
below is a perspective view of the hawaiian chain … notice again how deep the water is just off shore … the hurricanes come from the east or southeast (right in the photo) … across very deep water and then all of a sudden there is a 13,500′ massive active volcano which has an electrical connection to the ionosphere already established … as explained in my weather work … as the hurricanes approach with their own electrical connection to the ionosphere which is driving the storm … when the storm gets close enough the two current sheets combine and literally the power source for the hurricanes is “robbed” … when this happens the storm literally dissipates before your very eyes as happened in this and all other cases … so a cat 3 hurricane comes apart at the seams and becomes a whimpering little cloud … BUT standard meteorology does not know this .. they think hurricanes are powered by warm water which becomes more abundant the closer you come to the island … so according to their “predictions” the storms should intensify exactly the opposite of what is observed repeatedly …
the Hawaiians have a legend that goes back to when they first discovered the islands … they said there has never been a full blown hurricane on the Big Island although the other islands have had many … setting smack dab in the middle of the pacific ocean a full 80% of all pacific hurricanes graze the island … but the Big Island fends them off … the islanders attribute this to old legends … but there is real science behind their “myths” if you understand my weather work and how hurricanes really work … below is an underwater topo map of the world … you can see the hawaiian island chain out in the middle of the pacific ocean (click on the pic for full screen view)
below are the two cat 3 hurricanes Madeline and Lester back to back racing towards the hawaiian islands on august 30th …
below is the satellite image of the two full blown hurricanes … ready to blow the island apart … visible below the clouds in the upper left side of the photo is the Big Island … apparently no match for these colossal mega-storms … but wait and see …
below is the official prediction from august 30th with mighty winds and torrential rains predicted … this is not what happened however
in 2014 two hurricanes Iselle and Julio came in exactly the same track … and did exactly the same thing (although isabelle did blow down some trees the cat 3 devastation did not happen … again)
below the satellite images of the 2014 pair Iselle and Julio … you can see that the leading (left) hurricane Iselle is already coming apart … it has lost its “eye” and a few hours later was nearly completely gone
below are the remnants of Madeline and Lester … like curve balls in a baseball game … they totally miss the island and both lost their punch … at closest approach there were no 15 meter waves … no pounding rain … and not enough wind to make the palm trees sway … as we watched on internet web cams stationed at the port of hilo
listen to my 09/01/2016 radio show for more details … in 1995 i made a proposal to the US military to create this same method of shorting out hurricanes to stop the storms off shore from any damage world wide … here is how it would work … imagine the florida coast as an example … prior to the approach of the hurricane drop from airplanes hundreds of buoys with weather balloons tethered to them and anchored with metal anchor chains to the sea floor (on the continental shelf off of the coast where the hurricane was expected to landfall) … these would short out the hurricane reducing the wind and forcing the storm to dump its water off shore … the US military has never responded … jim mccanney
08/25/2016 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – EXO PLANETS
Exo-Planets are allegedly discovered planets around other stars … below are some artists conceptions of some Kepler Telescope “discoveries” comparing to known terrestrial planets in our solar system … many of these planets are false readings based on secondary interpretation of things like “red shift” data and have not been directly observed … others have more concrete basis … a little understood fact is that the larger the planet does not increase that much the surface gravity of someone standing on the surface (a good physics problem for students to estimate surface gravity based on size and internal composition)
my own thought … which i NEVER see in any of the exo-planet announcements is that NONE are suitable for life as we know it on planet earth … and that we better take care of what we have since this earth is the only game in town … the book cover below reflects that somehow lost theme
the pic below is a collage of some of the major alleged discoveries … remember these are artists conceptions … earth has millions of factors that we have adapted to here … our bodies are of earth … trying to create a space ship to duplicate these is going to take a LONG time if it is even possible … finding a planet that duplicates these is statistically impossible … something akin to finding 2 snowflakes that are the same … there are an estimated 4000 discovered exo-planets … one was recently announced circling our nearest neighbor star Proxima Centauri however this was the result of analyzing red shift data and this is actually the result of an unstable variable electric field around the star not the presence of an existing planet … there is the possibility that there is a large active comet becoming a planet and this is the cause also of the variable nature of the star but like i said the announcement was premature and based on secondary information not a direct sighting (click on the pic for full screen view)
Don’t start packing your bags yet … this reminds me of a joke … a man runs into the house and exclaims to his wife … honey your lottery ticket won !!! … to which she replies … great pack the suitcase … exited he says … “where are we going?” to which she replies … “I am not going anywhere” … maybe we should pack NASA off to one of these exo-planets
in the pic below when they say “habitable” they simpy that we could move there and live … sorry boys and girls … you ain’t gonna find another earth that suites our needs … that is the real lesson here (click on pic for full screen view)
below is the so called Kepler 62 system which has some planets in the “habitable zone” a region where liquid water could exist … if that is your only criteria then maybe so … but our earth is exceptionally rich in many elements we use to sustain life … it also is rich in iron something our nearest neighbor planets lack completely … scientists are struggling under completely false theories about how these objects form and therefore are totally simplifying the search for earth like planets … it is not just where they reside around the star but where they spent much of their formative time in collecting matter … it drives me crazy when “scientists” make advance claims based on little or no real data or theoretical structure (click on pic for full screen view)
be sure to keep up with the recent pictures of the day which are also now used as notes for my weekly radio shows … jim mccanney
PS … the so called “earth-like” exo planet that was announced this past week around our nearest neighbor star proxima centauri was a compete hoax .. they did not discover anything … nor did they see a planet … they “interpreted” some red shift data to imply that a planet was the cause as it allegedly shifted the position of the star gravitationally … a complete farce … don’t start packing your bags quite yet !!!
08/18/2016 Picture of the Day AND weekly radio show notes – Radiation … where does it come from and what do you do about it
when is the last time you saw a blue beautiful clouded sky with NO CHEM TRAILS ??? here is one … there are places on the planet that have not been hit yet
… but if you live in the USA you ALL have been hit and hit hard .. but what about radiation ??? recent fire in radiation polluted land in Hanford Washington state (news did not tell you about) nor have they told you about all the radiation pollution … fukushima … over 100 US power plants leaking radiation … old nuclear dump sites filtering into the water supply like near Saint Louis MO … the list goes on and on … listen to my radio show and also the extra Paid Cast for more details (also return here for more pics for the show) … jim mccanney
08/04/2016 and 08/11/2016 Picture of the Day – Where does salt come from ? how is related to your body ?
salt is a collection of minerals that are at a basic level and generally soluble in water … we find them in deposits sometimes deep in the earth and high in mountain ranges … the earth’s oceans contain so much salt that you cannot dissolve anymore water in them … a particular form of pink salt valued for human consumtion comes from a large deposit in the Himalayan Mountains of north eastern Pakistan
lithe area is known as Khewra and the salt was discovered allegedly by the Horse of Alexander the Great in around 325 BC … see the picture of the region below … high in the Himalayan Mountains it is not exactly where you would expect to find ocean salt …
our own moon sports an extended comet tail containing mainly sodium one of the main components of what we call salt as it combines readily with chloride … bogus standard science explanations attempt to claim there are 3 sources of sodium coming “from” the lunar surface including solar wind “sputtering”, meteor showers and light from the sun … but why just sodium and not a host of other elements ??? they never ask the obvious but hard questions in so called peer reviewed journals …
the lunar tail looks like a comet tail to standard science … but in actuality it IS a comet tail … sodium is the most abundant of the “salt” components on earth and geee oddly enough is a major component of our bodies … when we finally get to other stars and planets and discover other life you can imagine that their bodies will be based on salt content of their respective planets … listen to my august 4 and 11 2016 show to find out what is really going on along with these and many other issues dealing with salt … jim mccanney
07/28/2016 Picture of the Day – Comet Orbital Dynamics –
SEE ALSO my eBook COMETS which i will be giving away free with all orders made over the next 2 weeks from the secure web ordering page
The ancients called comets “the lawless ones” because they did not obey the laws of the other planets. Comet orbits are changing constantly. But standard science does not know why. They occasionally make guesses at particular comet paths but have no general understanding. This past week astronomers announced that the famous Halleys Comet return date was off by as much as 6 months. In a mere 86 year orbit that is HUGE given that the Maya could predict lunar eclipses hundreds if not thousands of years in advance and this is a far more exacting problem than comet returns (lunar eclipses have to be predicted to the minute). Below is a picture of the broken 21 pieces of comet Shoemacher Levy 9 as they approached Jupiter and the next picture actually shows the comet patches in the atmosphere of Jupiter after they hit Jupiter cerca July 1994 (pictures taken from my eBook COMETS).
But where did all the SO2 Sulfur Dioxide come from and why was there no water in the comet tails at Jupiter? This can only be explained by my Plasma Discharge Comet Model which shows that the comet tail material is coming from the environment being drawn into the comet nucleus by electrical forces. The same comets were water comets just hours before when they were out in the solar wind, but “magically” changed to SO2 comets which is the dominant chemical species near Jupiter.
The comet pieces did not just hit Jupiter. They caused unimaginable explosions as they discharged the Jupiter fusion based capacitor to the extent that the energy bursts were recorded by the Russian scientists reflected from the distant moons of Jupiter (the comets hit Jupiter while on the far side so the measurements of immense nuclear explosions were only to be seen from reflected x-rays off distant moons).
Below you see Comet NEAT. There are actually many “tails” but you cannot see all of them with the visible eye (you need special cameras that see in infrared, ultraviolet and even x-rays) with some of the tails extending millions of miles away from the comet and some to the sunward side. Additionally there is a spherical ionized hydrogen cloud that extends millions of kilometers surrounding the comet nucleus which is a “Debye electrical shielding” … these features can only be explained by my Plasma Discharge Comet Model.
Below are many pictures starting with NASA’s prediction of their “Icy Comet” model in a NASA artists conception prior to anyone going to a comet to see. They expected to see ice and snow and jets of water steaming like a locomotive from the comet nucleus … enough to create the vast comet tail we can see at a distance.
The next pic shows Fred Whipple who as a young astronomer in the 1950s “saved” the Astronomy community as they reeled against Velikovsky’s massive success by reviving the Keplerian (yes from the middle ages) idea of a comet being an icy body that melts (sublimates in modern terms) when it gets near the heat of the sun. Notice the ice ball looking model he is presenting and the diagram in the back on the blackboard showing the flowing water that they expected would be coming from this alleged snowball.
BUT … That is not what they found … after many close range visits to comets they found HOT DRY ROCKS with not a trace of water or snow or ice nor anything coming off the nuclei as shown in the next photos of real comet nuclei (click on the images for full screen view) … in some photo shopped pics NASA and ESO try to pretend there is something coming off the nucleus but finally as the Rosetta space craft orbited comet 67P for a long period of time they confirmed by direct measurements that nothing was coming off of the comet nucleus
the following is comet NEAT … note the bright colors are false these are severely black objects … there is nothing coming off the nucleus to form a water or any kind of tail yet from a distance all these comets exhibit full blown comet tails … how can scientists continue to call these “dirty snowballs” and expect you to believe they are emitting gases when there is nothing coming off the comet nucleus
the following is of come Borrelly pic taken by the Deep Space mission … once again … no ice or snow or water and nothing coming off the nucleus to form the tail you see from a distance
below are more pics that should convince anyone with a 3rd grade education that comets are not “dirty snowballs” … so where does all the water come from visible in the tail if not from the nucleus ??? this is what i resolved in my Plasma Discharge Comet Model in the late 1970s … the answer … the hot dry rock is discharging the solar capacitor and the water is coming INTO the electrically charged comet nucleus … the charging process is part of the discharge process as i explain in detail in my published papers and books as well as so many lectures … the following is comet 67PChuryumov-Gerasimenko picture taken by the European Space Organization Rosetta mission … During the recent Paris Air Show press conference the ESO lead comet scientist admitted (rather sheepishly on camera) that they now have confirmed that the “dirty snowball comet model is completely incorrect” … so why does the story continue to be told as scientific truth ??? that is a long story but essentially there are many other lies connected to this myth not the least of which is a domino effect of all the “theories” not the least of which is the “Big Bang”
below another view of comet 67P … ESO also landed on the nucleus … no ice or snow or water … just organic compound dust …
below is comet Tempe 1 picture taken by the Deep Impact probe .. on the date of the closest flyby i was a guest on the Coast to Coast AM radio show and host George Noory and i were waiting for the promised NASA data release to discuss on the show … it was July 4 2005 … not only did NASA not release the data but they only partially released doctored data 6 months later … the huge water plume they expected to see did not materialize and they promised that the water must be much deeper than they expected … i have a write up of this event on my sub-page of Historically Important Sub-pages center column on my main home page … just another in a long history of NASA covering up and fudging DATA to protect their incorrect pet theories
on my July 28, 2016 weekly radio show i will be talking about “comet orbital dynamics” … if comets are just “hot dry rocks” then where does all that water and other chemicals come from in the tail that spans millions of miles and seen so clearly from a distance ???
and how do their orbits change dramatically to the point that no one can predict where they will be ??? listen and learn and remember with every purchase made in the next week you will get a free copy of my eBook COMETS … you will not get this information anywhere else on the planet or in this part of the galaxy … jim mccanney
07/13/2016 Picture of the Day – Jupiter and its bands plus Great Red Spot and thermal heat signature pics
Just like Saturn and the Sun (the other 2 stars of our solar system) Jupiter has many bands … my theoretical work explains the bands as counter-rotating electrical currents in the upper atmosphere that is part of the plasma magnetic field of Jupiter … these are then coupled with the outer rings of charged particles that orbit Jupiter just like earth’s van Allen Belts …
Also noted is the Great Red Spot that is an electrically driven Hurricane that never stops … unlike earth that has land masses that short out (electrically) the hurricane … on Jupiter there is no land mass below to short out the storm so it just keeps going and going … first discovered by Galileo the GRS resides in the gap between the South Temperate and South South Temperate bands which are co-rotating (rotating in opposite directions) … notice there are dozens of white and other colored hurricanes in other bands which likewise are electrically driven storms … Jupiter gives off 2 times the heat that arrives from the sun in the form of solar light so it has an internal heat source which i have explained being due to surface fusion in Jupiter’s atmosphere … Saturn and the Sun are the same …
Below is the heat signature of Jupiter … showing as i have stated that there is an internal heat source and is due to fusion in the atmosphere … i will be talking more about this on my july 14, 2016 radio show … but notice how the Great Res Spot is highly luminous which means its highly electrical nature gives rise to higher levels of fusion than the other areas of Jupiter’s atmosphere … also note that the equatorial band and the poles are highly illuminated because of the high level of incoming electrical current in these areas … this is because the magnetic field lines in this area are entering the planet in this same direction … away from the poles the magnetic field blocks the incoming charged particles and so they funnel into the polar regions … complex but simple if you understand my plasma physics work and follow my instructions …
The solar system is a complex place with gravitational – electrical and magnetic couplings and 3 stars … read my work and listen to my radio shows for details .. you will not hear this anywhere else … jim mccanney
07/02/2016 Picture of the Day – Space Craft JUNO approaches Jupiter
… to detect auroras … will certainly show two things … will add more scientific weight to my Plasma Discharge Comet Model work AND show how lame NASA scientists are … the actual photo below is NOT from JUNO but is a composite of an old Hubble telescope pics …
In 1979 i was on the Physics and Mathematics faculty of Cornell University and realized that the scientists had no clue what was happening in the solar system in spite of the fact that they had PhDs and were the alleged most advanced scientists on the planet … what i later learned was that these were the head tier 2 bozos allowed to exist to create a cover story for real science (tier 1 military) … i know because the tier 1 mil guys used to talk to me to try to understand what was going on … they learned a lot from me as did the Russian scientists that i worked with … i will be covering the above mentioned JUNO spacecraft trip to Jupiter and what the data means … now what will happen is that a comet will come by Jupiter to engage it electrically and we will see my Plasma Discharge Comet Model in action just as happened at Mars with comet Siding Spring as well as other comets that passed Mars and affected it electrically … MORE TO COME ON THIS FOR SURE … jim mccanney
06/02/2016 Picture of the Day – Rods from God space based weapon used to create the Ecuador Earthquakes
Operated by the US arsenal for the Zionist interests in the IMF and Inter American Development Bank in Ecuador to attempt to strong arm them into signing loans that would certainly force over valuable national resources not the least of which is uranium in large quantities in southeastern Ecuador that has been under survey since 2008 … with Russia China and Bolovia now holding main interest … but the IMF and its jesuit operating front agency the world bank has other plans … as they also press sanctions on Venezuela crippling that economy trying to force “regime changes” as they are working on bolivia as well as brazil and as they have done recently in many mideastern countries inlcuding lybia yemen syria and the list goes on and as they have done in honduras and other latin countries …
everyone is in agreement that this same weapon was used in japan and in china for severe destruction of key facilities and the same weapon used to simulate an asteroid in central russia about a year ago … jim mccanney
04/29/2016 Picture of the Day – Killing the Earth with Radiation
Planet Earth from a distance looks beautiful BUT !!!
listen to my radio shows april 28 and may 05, 2016 for details on world wide radiation pollution … above the nuclear fallout days after the initial accident from Fukushima … and the World Health Organization said nothing happened … (click on all photos for full screen view) …
how can you say there is no problem here … years later the radiation is still pouring out … the world wide view is full of deniers … people with their heads in the sand … jim mccanney
04/22/2016 Picture of the Day – EARTH DAY FOR KIDS … What’s Wrong With This Picture ???
What is wrong here ???(click on the picture for a full screen view) … kids need real education not the buttered popcorn disneyland lolly pop and roses everything is wonderful Earth Day Theme … you notice that there is no real content here … just pure fluff … is it time for kids to realize that the world that is being handed off to them is a polluted disaster !?!?!?!? but if your parents do not know either then we sure would not want it taught in the fairy tale schools … SHHHHH don’t wake those people up from their deep sleep … jim mccanney
EARTH DAY … April 22, 2016 … thanks to interested students i drafted a project outline for students (actually for all of you) for earth day … click on the following link to go to the Student Earth Day Project Sub-Page … —> Student Earth Day Project Sub Page
04/11/2016 Picture of the Day – up up and away – ELECTRIC AIRPLANES
the future of aviation is going electric … everyone is jumping on the band wagon … elon musk … nasa with major announcements (don’t hold your breath there) … AirBus (see picture above … yes they have really built and flown one) and are combining with major corporations to develop large scale commercial planes … BUT BUT BUT … there is always a BUT … this is NOT GREEN if you are getting your electric from a nuclear or coal power plant … it is far worse than just burning jet fuel … isn’t it funny that some of the major players in the new push for electric flight are also those deeply involved in the most horrific disaster in world history NUCLEAR POWER … so why not use my WING GENERATOR to produce the electricity … coming soon … jim mccanney
04/01/2016 Picture of the Day – Twin Green Comets Pass Earth March 21 and 22, 2016 – create massive electrical effects not understood by standard science (they say are caused by gravity waves … more NASA fairy tale science) … read below to find out the real cause
above pic from the Azores just off of Portugal … super bright green and red and other color air-glows … on march 22 as the comets passed … standard science has no explanation
Green air glow outshines the setting sun – photo – Atacama Chile – March 21, 2016
The following is the sequence of announcements as they happened up to and including march 25th …
March 18, 2016 !!! SUPER IMPORTANT COMET announcement … not one but TWO comets are set to pass earth this coming Monday … first NOTE these are NOT on collision courses with earth according to “authorities” and i have no reason to doubt this … they will pass just 3 million miles away from earth … but other effects will certainly occur and you should be set to observe and be part of my world watch team (continue reading for what you should do) … but THE CLOWNS AT NASA waited until minutes after my live radio show to announce this even though they have known about this for months … HMMM !?!?!?!? let’s put this into perspective … last october (2015) the much anticipated comet “Siding Spring” came within 87,000 miles (150,000 kilometers) from Mars and just last week NASA admitted that it reeked havoc with the magnetic field and atmosphere of mars (and lots more they are not talking about) … we literally saw mars from earth turn into a comet for a brief period of time (a clear observation that NASA has hidden from the public to protect their “fuzzy little snow ball” comet model baloney) … i observed this as did many other people who i had prepared to watch … Siding Spring was a very small comet yet it had drastic effects on mars even at that great distance … it attached electrically to mars as the comet’s surrounding electric “sheath” extends far from the comet nucleus as explained in my Plasma Discharge Comet Model … the two comets coming near earth monday are also small but they are coming extremely close … they will pass only 3 Million miles (just 12 Lunar Distances) and visible only in the southern hemisphere where i will have many people with equipment for direct observations … one of these comets was classified as an asteroid until it grew a tail (also as explained in my comet model) … i cannot give all the details here … HERE IS WHAT YOU CAN DO TO BE PART OF the world TWIN COMET WATCH … start today … you will take measurements NOW and then compare them to measurements when the comets are passing as they start to connect to earth electrically starting as early as sunday 1) get a compass (like the boy scouts use) … look at it frequently NOW and BEFORE the comet arrives … watch for how stable it is … put it on a table away from anything metal (outside is best) and leave there … when the comet comes you could very likely see the compass needle going wild … 2) get your phone GPS set up … observe your position NOW and BEFORE the comet arrives … the electromagnetic effects could affect your GPS location so during the comet passage this could be changing rapidly although you are not moving … 3) pull down the weather reports and 10 day forecasts for all over the world … also pull down any related information like the solar output or aurora borealis (northern lights) predictions … pull down all related weather and space weather reports for the next days predictions … then watch as earth weather possibly reacts to the passing comets … watch as possible unprecedented auroras happen around the world in places where they normally do not occur .. compare your captured weather etc predictions from the internet with the realities … watch for nocto-luminescent clouds and lightning at night even though there are no thunder clouds … 4) watch for failures in communications … TV signals … cell phone … radio … etc etc … 5) watch for sudden hurricanes and other land storm systems to develop out of nowhere 6) download and save articles you see in the standard astronomy public outlets (magazines … naval observatory announcements … NASA … spaceweather dot com etc) they will not make any relevant predictions but watch the back-peddling when you the public sees real issues … RETURN HERE FOR MORE … i am very busy on a project but will be posting more here … GET READY and watch as the standard weather and NASA bozos try to tell you this is unrelated !!!!!!!!!!!!!! jim mccanney
March 22, 2016 !!! My Comet Prediction Verified !!! update … below i posted my prediction for today’s passage of a small comet … since yesterday reports have been coming in from around the world especially south america (including my own observations) and africa of very bright green “air glow” (see picture above taken at Atacama Chile … the bright green is the air glow much brighter than the setting sun) … the comet is seen from the southern hemisphere and its electrical connection to earth is max in the south … Air Glow is a phenomenon known of for a very long time (thousands of years) but not understood in “standard science” … my work explains that it is literally the earth acting as a comet discharging the solar capacitor with the light “rain” of charged particles attaching to earth’s upper atmosphere and more intense in some areas … but with a passing comet earth’s discharge becomes greatly augmented … no surprise that the earth’s airglow is observed to be green the same color as the comet … once again “standard science” claims this is due to chemical reactions in the upper atmosphere and that comets have green color due to carbon molecules lighting up due to solar light … neither is true and both can be nullified in a simple laboratory experiment … take a neon glass tube (or any gas in a laboratory tube) and shine light on it … it does not light up and the light no matter how intense does not create light … now run an electric current through the tube … IT LIGHTS UP LIKE A LIGHT BULB … just like the comet … just like earth’s airglow … IT IS ELECTRICAL … PURELY ELECTRICAL … but geeeee … spaceweather dot com who is reporting the extreme levels of airglow cannot talk about that can it ?!?!? they state that “airglow is observed when there is no lunar light interference … but wait a minute sherlock !!! we have a near full moon and the airglow is outshining the full moon … the above picture you can see the setting sun above the horizon .. the air glow is outshining even the setting sun !!! as stated by one observer near Atacama Chile (picture above) says Beletsky. “It was so strong that one could hardly see Magellanic clouds through those colorful emissions” … just like i predicted due to the passing comets … listen to my march 24, 2016 radio show for more detailed analysis … jim mccanney
UPDATE march 23 to 25, 2016 … severe winter weather blanketed the northern united states from out west including Denver CO and all the way to Toronto and beyond … totally unpredicted by the weather forecasts … this is exactly what i was talking about … unprecedented unpredicted storm activity … here is how it works … coupled with the full moon (electrical alignment) the comet attaches electrically with earth … even though the comet had passed by the 22nd the electrical activity of earth was greatly augmented … in a posting back in 1995 my web page then i wrote an article which is reposted in my Atlantis to Tesla – The Kolbrin Connection book … stating “You cannot predict the weather if you do not know what causes the weather” … that was over 20 years ago and the clueless weather service still cannot get a handle on it … jim mccanney
The larger of the two comets photo taken from Siding Spring Observatory Australia
03/03/2016 Picture of the Day – Earth Day is coming …
the above painting is as real as life … the Great Horned Owl piece by Guy Coheleach (pronounced Co-lee-ack)… it captures the silence and wonder of nature … something we are losing daily on this planet due to corporate greed … how can we really celebrate earth day for one day only and the other 364 (ooops 365 this is leap year) not honor and respect the earth … jim mccanney
02/25/2016 Picture of the Day – Pharoah’s armies chasing Moses … was this a true story or biblical myth ?
This is a wonderful scene from the hollywood movie (click on the pic for a larger view) BUT was this a true story ??? the reality is that it was a true story … about 15 years ago the chariots were found in the Red Sea right where this happened … the only myth is that the kos jews have tried to lay claim to the “chosen people” being led by Moses when in reality they were living in tribes in the steps of Russia at this time in history … they migrated from russia to eastern europe with about 550,000 ending up in germany by 1933 … by 1937 only 200,000 remained (there never were 7 million or anywhere close to it … the numbers given here come directly from the Holocaust Museum itself) as most had left for higher ground in the USA and south america … their ancestors had nothing to do with the Moses Exodus yet a secret pact made to usher England and later the United States into WWII led the way for the jews to create a “home land” in what later became modern Israel … the true Israelites were a nation enslaved to the Egyptians by the same banking cartel that exists today using the same methods to enslave them which had emerged from ancient Babylon … the Israelites were owned by pharoah … they were his property … as today the european bankers are vying to take all of you as slaves in an eternal debt spiral … the final jaws of that trap are closing as i write this … the other half of the moses story is that the majority of people died … interestingly enough a recent biblical comparison written by Yvonne Whiteman showed passages of the Kolbrin to be exact statements of the Exodus but give the perspective that this was not good for anyone … mostly everyone died in this milieu … both egyptian and slave … in Velikovsky’s work he refers to this and i always wondered why academia dumped so hard on him and why there was such a fuss … the reality is that Velikovsky … a russian born and educated jew … stated clearly that the Moses “people” were “Israelites” not jews … without this connection their claim to what is now called “Israel” occupied by russian born jews would lose one more necessary connection which they claim allows them to occupy the mideast lands … the false statement that they were the Moses “chosen people” … this is one of the most key moments in the history of man … when the comet Venus raged through the solar system and devastated Mars and Earth … but there is a complete blackout of real information on this topic … there are so many reasons … so many lies … jim mccanney
02/11/2016 Picture of the Day – Water Water Everywhere but not a drop to drink … the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariners is very true today …
the biggest topic in the news and on the minds of the public is WATER … a few years ago i released an eBook entitled “WATER” which everyone should read (see the sales page for details) … it breaches the unseen world of water control … my recent radio shows including tonight’s show (feb 11, 2016) concentrate on water … tonight’s topic “Living in a Toxic World” will be reproduced for a wider distribution along with last week’s show “The Science of Water Pollution” … below are pictured two of my name branded stainless steel water filters … i am about to make a HUGE announcement that will change how we deal with water and water issues … it will for the first time allow YOU to test your water AND yourselves for contaminants … up until now government agencies have hidden behind the thin veil that protected the industries and EPA (environmental protections agencies) who have been allowing the pollution of all water sources … only they could test the water as they also controlled the companies that supposedly could test the water … ALL THAT IS ABOUT TO CHANGE !!! NOW you will be able to test your water AND yourselves for toxic contaminants for an extremely small fee AND we also have a solution to remove these toxins from your body and of your loved ones … STAY TUNED … jim mccanney
01/28/2016 Picture of the Day – Mars and Our Moon … water water everywhere but not a drop to drink
It was not just the Tale of the Ancient Mariners that strikes that note in our minds … Mars and our moon have ALL the indications of WATER but now there ain’t none and modern science cannot explain that … look at the following pictures … below is Mount Sharp on Mars … EVERYTHING you see here was formed by WATER … but NASA cannot figure out what happened to it … so they make up fairy tale explanations that could not possibly be true and for which they have zero evidence … much of my Picture of the Day sub-page is dedicated to showing you the real evidence that proves the water was there RECENTLY …
below is the Aristarchus crater area of our Moon’s surface … if you look closely you will see evidence of what appears to be water erosion but there could there be other explanations ??? NOTE that the large crater PRINZ as will as others are completely filled in with dust … but the moon does not have an atmosphere or dust storms so how does this happen on the moon … NASA says the (alleged) apollo astronaut footprints should last forever BUT if entire craters are being filled in over time then how are tiny (alleged) man made footprints going to last ??? i will be covering these and many more topics on my February 04, 2016 radio show … listen and learn and in the mean time click on the picture to bring up the full size photo and zoom in to see the details …
01/18/2016 Picture of the Day – Antennas – Circuit Boards and The Nazca Palpa Lines
On my December 31, 2015 weekly radio show i announced an amazing discovery i made some weeks ago during a trip to Peru and released the information in a White Paper available on the secure web ordering sub-page entitled “The Nazca Palpa Lines Peru – Mystery Solved” (i expand on this topic if subsequent shows) … here are some antenna and circuit board pics related the Nazca area designs … below see a picture of a modern circuit board design … compare to the Nazca Palpa Lines pic below
below is a fractal antenna design from the Palpa Ancient Antenna Complex … compare to the above modern circuit board layout
below a modern TV antenna … compare to the Nazca Lines “Heron” figure next picture below
below the “Heron” fractal antenna at Nazca includes the TV type antenna as well as a broken dipole fractal and in front a lobe which would adjust the frequency and then the long Dipole nose … compare to the modern TV antenna above but created thousands of years ago … my discovery ranks as one of the top archaeological discoveries of all time … it truly links us with a past of which we know nothing but which leads to communications with other star systems as explained in my white paper
01/02/2016 Picture of the Day – The Nazca Palpa Lines
On my December 31, 2015 weekly radio show i announced an amazing discovery i made some weeks ago during a trip to Peru and released the information in a White Paper available on the secure web ordering sub-page entitled “The Nazca Palpa Lines Peru – Mystery Solved” … here are some other pics related the Nazca area … below is the entry sign noting it as a UNESCO World Heritage area
below is a pottery remnant of the incas who populated the Nazca Plains BUT the discovery is of a different era
below the “Monkey” sports an attitude but what is he really saying ??? read my White Paper to find out
below are samples of the iron rich rocks (about palm size) that dot the Nazca plains … they have a lot to do with the new discovery
a discovery such as i made only comes once in a thousand years … literally … read the White Paper release to find out what this all means … jim mccanney
12/19/2015 Picture of the Day – Machu Picchu – some incredible secrets about to be revealed … listen to my upcoming shows
below is one of thousands of pictures i took at Machu Picchu amongst many other locations … it is named after the peak in the background top right … i have some startling new observations about this grander than grand construction and the people who built it … i also have a remarkable discovery regarding the pre-incas … keep posted for details … jim mccanney
below is a picture of machu picchu’s second mountain … the day i was there i had perfect beyond magnificent weather blue sky conditions (usually it rains every day of the year as it is in a rain forest … clearly the inca gods were shining on my visit) … also i went during low tourist season (their summer) so it was just me and the alpacas as you can see in this picture … this is just one of many inca sites i visited … i will be discussing the science observations and discoveries i made during this trip in upcoming shows including the Christmas Eve December 24th 2015 show … listen to my December 31, 2015 weekly radio show archive for an amazing discovery and NEW RELEASE … jim mccanney
12/03/2015 Picture of the Day – Mount Etna exploded today as it has done many times in the past … this pic appeared in an article with the following quote … “The giant plume of smoke and ash thrown up by the blast creates a dazzling display of volcanic lightning, a mysterious phenomenon (my emphasis added) seen in many of the most powerful volcanic eruptions.” … scientists who promote modern fairy tale tier 2 science have no clue why the most fundamental of weather processes even exists … let alone the cause … it of course is a natural by product of my work … jim mccanny (also visit the other sub page Chaiten Volcanic Eruptions Sub-Page for more information and wonderful pics but remember to return here for this extensive page of pictures and explanations)
11/22/2015 Picture of the Day – Russian Space Shuttle Program and other pics … jim mccanney
below is a series of photos of the Russian space shuttles … the plane next to the carrier plane (largest aircraft in the world) is a 1960s vintage jet … contrary to the total misinformation propagated in the west … russia had a number of shuttle designs operating while we were waiting for 10 years for the failed Apollo missions to go to the moon
… i also have a picture of the russian KOSMOS mini shuttle that had over 1200 manned flights into space during the years 1974 to 1985 … recently there was a total misinformation propaganda in the western press stating that the russian space shuttle flew once and was mothballed … written by a complete idiot that went to russia and took some pictures of an old hanger containing one of the currently mothballed russian shuttles … funny thing is that this moron was not even born when the russian shuttle was in its hay day making hundreds of launches into space … the western aerospace news promoted this tripe … here are the photos of the REAL russian shuttle … they finally stopped the program as it was too costly for the benefit … relying on their energia mega launch systems … one last comment that i learned when i worked with russian scientists in the mid 1990s … they sent men to the moon long before the alleged apollo lunar landing to simply circle the moon and come back … a test mission … they came back dead from severe radiation burns and poisoning from going through the van Allen belts … they never went back although they had all the technology to send men to the moon long before NASA did … their recent insistence that NASA produce real evidence of sending men to the moon was met with NASA releasing some studio footage shot in a warehouse in arizona in trainer simulators claiming it was was real lunar footage … anyone can see that these are simulator footage … see more russian space shuttle pics below …
below one of hundreds of russian shuttle launches … NASA copied the russian designs … no surprise there
below one of 3 launch pads staging for a shuttle launch
below a runway to space shuttle vehicle launch in russia in the 1960s
below is a US U2 spy plane photo of the russian mini shuttle Kosmos … circa 1974 … although the western intelligence knew all about this and the vast space program in russia they continued to promote that the USA was “winning the space race” … PURE BULLSHIT !!! just one more example of how the american public has been lulled to sleep thinking they are the greatest …
below see the launch schedule for the russian Kosmos mini shuttle … you can click on the image for a full screen view … note the source of this information … the Kosmos was a strictly manned vehicle capable of taking 3 cosmonauts and a payload to space … the russians literally had thousands of cosmonauts in space while we had NOTHING … remember that during this time our Saturn V Apollo program had been completely dismantled and we were waiting over 10 years for the US shuttle program to begin … a completely failed program that kept us in low earth orbit … more decades of tier 2 baloney smoke screen while the tier 1 US space program was in operation … even today the US wallows in the “glory days” of the failed Apollo space program which kept large numbers of people from pursuing their birthright to the stars …
below the russians always brought their rockets and heavy equipment out horizontally … cerca 1964
below a picture of a mothballed russian shuttle by the ding dong that claimed the russian space shuttle program did not exist … this shuttle flew over 100 missions in the 1960s
below … WHERE TO PUT TESLA TOWERS … one of my life long studies has been to identify where to put the tesla towers … ancient atlanta used them as well as other locations on earth … remember when bill clinton (new world order pawn and drug dealer president) sent cruize missiles into bosnia ??? it was to destroy the records of tesla which were still archived in the basement of a church where tesla’s father retained ancient records for the Vatican library … see the black and red areas in the map below … this is where the best locations are to put tesla towers to extract energy from the ionosphere … note also that they are in the poorest countries of the world … this would give them a jump start to be the highest development countries in the world … click on the pic below for a larger image
below is a rare type of cloud that forms with varying pressure in the lower atmosphere … how are clouds held together ??? it is a weak electrical force called “van der waals” … standard science denies electric fields but these clouds would not even exist without electric fields …
i hope you enjoy these pics and commentaries … information you will never see anywhere else … jim mccanney
11/21/2015 Picture of the Day – below is a pic recently published in NATURE magazine stating incorrectly that planets (red blue and white spots in the center) were observed forming around a star “by accretion” of a dust gas cloud … first of all the dots were put there by the scientists and ASSUMED to be there … note that not even the central star is visible so how on earth could the smaller allegedly forming planets be seen especially so large … the dots were put there by the scientists … secondly the planets ARE NOT where the cloud of dust and gasses are located contrary to the theory that planets form in this manner … the white clouds are clearly located far from the central star … what is going on ??? the planets are forming from the “nebular ion cloud” (the white surrounding clouds of dust and gasses) as large comets deriving the materials from the remote cloud as detailed in my Plasma Discharge Comet Model … jim mccanney
11/20/2015 Picture of the Day – below is called “scale of the solar system” and gives many many examples of comparisons of solar system objects … notice in the top right pic that the planet venus is nearly the same size as earth BUT this is only due to its massive atmosphere … the inner planet core is much smaller than earth … venus formed from a large comet within the past 10,000 years … click on the photo below and a larger version will load so you can discover these amazing details … be aware that when they start talking about distances to distant galaxies that is based on the incorrect “hubble” constant and big bang fairy tale science … but the pics are great !!!
10/28/2015 Picture of the Day – Moon Callisto of Jupiter
this is a picture of Callisto moon of Jupiter … see the ringed system surrounding what appears to be an impact crater … i referred to this in my first papers in the early 1980s dealing with interplanetary discharges … i showed that it was similar to a simple laboratory experiment where you sprinkle iron filings on a piece of paper and run an electrical current carrying wire perpendicular through the paper … the same ring pattern emerges instantly complete with the space near the wire … there are other bright burn craters near the main central one … if these were impact craters the waves of material would overlap with multiple circular patterns overlaying others … but with the electrical discharge from space explanation … any old patterns would have been destroyed … as seen … but here we are dealing with an additional shock wave that carried into the surrounding land as waves moved radially outwards … also not about in the 2 o’clock position there is a fine linear string of craters like pearls or beads on a string … another clear electrical discharge string … we also see the exact same patterns on planet Mercury as i have shown before (see picture below)
you can see the electrical steaks of craters strung in lines criss crossing the planet as large sun grazing comets passed by Mercury … the random streaks indicate the random paths followed by comets … note that the discharges do not carve out ravines but leave a string of circular craters all in a nice line … this is because the electrical arcing connects to one spot then jumps to another on its dancing path across the planetary surface … more about electrical discharges on my October 29, 2015 radio show … including some super spots on our own planet earth see the pic below
.this is called the “eye of the sahara” a landmark visible from outer space … another pic below … proven to NOT be an asteriod collision … “standard” tier 2 fairy tail science claims this is a natural formation formed by wind and water erosion … ya sure you betcha &#*#$(*^@# … see another pic below this is the result of a comsmic electrical discharge … odd they found so much magnetite in the region you cannot use a compass to detect the larger scale earth magnetic field …
and how about this pic of the “eye of the sahara” close up and personal … there is wind and water erosion after the fact but that is NOT what formed this amazing mega geological feature … compare again with cosmic scale other formations of Mercury and Callisto …
below see a photo of the blow down at another major earth electrical discharge but this time combined with and asteroid comet impact site located at Tunguska Siberia Russia showing the trees that were blown down in a circular pattern for 20 kilometers around in 1908 (some claim it was a tesla experiment of redirected energy but clear evidence of asteroidal material was found at the site) …
listen to my October 29, 2015 radio show for more details … jim mccanney
October 28, 2015 posting # 2 … brain dead is the only term that applies to the european space agency Rosetta team headed by the mindless Kathrin Atwegg leader of the air head team … below is a picture of the comet nucleus of 67P on July 08, 2015 as it approached perihelion (closest approach to the sun) … in a peer reviewed article (in the rubber stamp phony peer review system) in Nature mag her team published results showing abundant O2 (molecular oxygen) in the tail area … but in typical mindless fashion they do not see any of this coming off the nucleus which has a minor amount of dust activity and NO gas activity … of course they have looked there but never detect any so they concentrate on the tail area with their spectrometers … they claim unwittingly that the gas is coming from the nucleus allegedly trapped there “4.6 billion years ago during the formation of the solar system” … something might hint to them that since this is not coming from the nucleus then it has to be coming from somewhere else … they are making a scientific claim based on an outdated incorrect “dirty snowball comet model theory” that would have the nucleus exploding with water and now O2 but there is none … light’s on nobody home … in an email to atwegg i confirmed that their measurements are in the TAIL area of the comet (10 and 100 km from the nucleus) … i have always stated that O2 is abundant in the solar system and is identifiable in other ways such as seeing it around the nebular ion clouds surrounding all stars … as it is attracted to the comet nucleus as explained in my “plasma discharge comet model” … the only thing they have correct is that O2 is NOT an indicator of life it is abundantly available free in the universe and the majority that you might detect is not a result of biological life … so all the hype you hear about O2 = life found is totally incorrect … just one more fairy tale science “theory” falling by the wayside BUT they cannot let on that none of their hallowed theories hold a drop of water LITERALLY !!! see pic below showing mild dust activity … the alleged SUPER COMET WATER STEAM ENGINE EFFECT did not pan out … pretty quiet about that at the ole ESO offices … the pic below is highly enhanced the activity around the comet is adjusted millions of times to get this “ray” effect but is dust only … no organic molecules found near the nucleus at all … no water or CO2 or CO or O2 … NOPE NOTHING … just a little dust sprayed off by the incoming sunward side electron beam … jim mccanney
10/13/2015 Picture of the Day – The South Polar region of Mars … What’s wrong with this picture ? (see explanation below)
ok … looks like a nice picture of the south pole of the planet Mars … recently released from the Mars Orbiter … they are searching for water ??? so there is some locked into this ice cap that forms in winter when the sun does not shine … and disappears with the same water and CO2 working its way to the north pole … but let’s take a closer look … if you are looking for water there are signs of water erosion EVERYWHERE in this pic … so why cannot NASA scientists see it ? because it would prove exactly what i have been telling you all along … that there was abundant water RECENTLY on mars … and that it left when a large comet passed and was witnessed and reported by ancient cultures the world over … you can see cratering and river beds in some areas and NOTHING in other areas … did the asteroids know where to hit and not to hit ??? did the rivers only form in the highlands and not in the lowlands … most earth rivers occur in the lowlands and lead to larger bodies of water … the obvious answer … the oceans and bodies of water that were there only recently erased the evidence of craters and of course there were no rivers there since the areas were full of water … case solved … yes mars had water … it had abundant life … so why is it sooooo hard to find ??? it isn’t … unless your objective is to keep this from you the public … more about this on my show this week … jim mccanney PS you can click on the above photo for a high resolution photo … spend some time looking …
10/07/2015 Picture of the Day – Mars water ?recent? ?ancient? NASA disinformation ploy … and now … Matt Damon stranded on desolate mars … just another Hollywood block buster ???
the September 28th 2015 announcement by NASA much heralded of a “major discovery” of water on mars is really a total disinformation campaign and was the topic of my show october 1, 2015 (see notes below for 09/30/2015 also) … the following weekend gives constant blanket coverage with the release of the Matt Damon movie “Bring Him Home” with the “Mars is soooo inhospitable you cannot go there so don’t even think about it” message to you the public … that is the subliminal message and who is behind it ??? look at the pic above … remember in the middle ages when they taught the commoners (via the church) that the earth was flat ??? all the royalty and upper crust and especially the church (vatican) knew it was round … so why the disinformation ??? this put a mental cell around the people … don’t go there … you can’t go there … don’t even think about it … if i were to tell you that mars had vast oceans and an earth-like climate only a few thousand years ago most of you would think i was nuts … but do you know anyone who was around a few thousand years ago ??? no … you have been conditioned to believe what you are convinced is true and you literally have NO PROOF whatsoever for that belief … well … ALL the civilizations from that time talk about Mars the BLUE planet and they even tell us of the night when a large passing comet ripped off the atmosphere and oceans leaving the red hulk of a planet we see today … but don’t stop there … my Picture of the Day sub-page (link below) has large portions dedicated to this topic showing conclusive evidence and the reasons for scientific result that the oceans were RECENT and not ancient as the NASA story is trying to pawn off on you … so why the secrecy … why the flat earth disinformation ??? listen to my october 8, 2015 show to find out more … jim mccanney
09/30/2015 Picture of the Day – Mars water ?recent? ?ancient? NASA disinformation ploy
the recent announcement by NASA much heralded of a “major discovery” is really a total disinformation campaign and will be the topic of my show october 1, 2015 … first of all did they discover water ??? no not really … they think they did … what they actually see are black streaks that appear and go away from a outcropping of rock the contains “perchlorate salts” … sometimes associated with water … so NO they did not discover water although we know there is some frozen water on mars … in the announcement the words “believe” and similar show they really do not know but needed to make a major announcement … the pictures were allegedly released in 2011 so why all the hoopla now ??? listen to my radio show october 1, 2015 and find out … below is the famous discovery pic of dark streaks that appear and disappear it is NOT flowing water and may not be water at all … not exactly niagra falls … jim mccanney
09/24/2015 Picture of the Day – Pluto in the News AGAIN … the posting below this one is also on Pluto with extensive picture and text coverage HOWEVER in today’s pic of the day i have re-created Pluto’s surface in a “frozen broth” with internal heat source that EXACTLY replicates the surface of pluto with upwelling cycles which form the surface … ask yourself if Pluto has an internal heat source then see for yourself … of course this is totally contrary to the established belief that all the planets are 4.5 billion years old … everything about Pluto is YOUNG … YOUTHFUL … FRESH … there is also an external heat source … click on the following link to see … jim mccanney —> PLUTO SURFACE FROZEN BROTH INTERNAL HEAT SOURCE SIMULATION EXPERIMENT
09/23/2015 Picture of the Day – Pluto in the News … today’s pic of the day is a link to the sub-page that was used for my 09/24/2015 radio show discussing new findings regarding Pluto … the pictures are very large so if you do not have a high speed connection get a cup of coffee because it is worth the wait for the discussion … basically pluto and its 5 moons are comets working on the inside of the nebular ion cloud … something i predicted in my earliest work from the 1970s long before anyone had any clue what might be out there … follow this link and then return here for more pictures of the day … jim mccanney –> PLUTO PICTURES DISCUSSION SUB-PAGE
09/21/2015 Picture of the Day – Equinox on Earth and Saturn
On September 23, 2015 Earth will experience the fall “Equinox” when the day and night times are exactly equal for all points on earth … but other planets like Saturn have Equinox days also … the first diagram below (credit to Tau ‘olunga) shows earth’s equatorial plane (white circle) and the ecliptic plane (red circle) where they intersect … the earth – sun – intersection point all align … the constellations that line up along the red line are the 12 regions of the “zodiac”
below is a picture of the planet saturn taken by the Cassini space craft at the exact point of the saturnian equinox when the sun aligned perfectly with the equatorial rings … you can click on the picture of saturn to pull up the original 3 MB file and see small moons and the ring’s super thin shadow skirting saturn’s equator … even though we experience the fall equinox every year … it will take saturn 14.75 of our years before it will have another …
the solar system is a giant clock … on earth we recon time with the sun, moon and stars … as time progresses our date of equinox and solstices change slowly as we “precess” like a top in the gravitational fields of the other celestial bodies … that takes about 26,000 years … so if you really take this literally … we will not have another equinox exactly like this one for 26,000 years … i build and sell a device called the “Re-Calendar Sun Star Clock” that gives you the months days and years AND allows you to use the sun and/or the stars to create a very accurate clock …. it even takes the precession effect into account … and if we ever had a pole shift you would be able to rebuild the new calendar and the new clock and project it far into the future … it would also allow you (given the data on the plate) sufficient information to rebuild our calendar and recon our history with our orbit … something we are constantly trying to reconstruct from ancient archaeological sites for ancient lost civilizations (for details on this device see the secure web ordering page) … jim mccanney
09/11/2015 Picture of the Day – The Platform of Venus – Chichen Izta Mayan City – Yucatan Mexico
notice the top horizontal glyph in the picture below … do you detect the long winding comet tail ??? in the american southwest (and all over the world the ancient cultures) they referred to Venus as a comet … i was at a meeting once of astronomers showing native depictions of the amercan southwest and one was noted by the indigenous people as Venus … the astronomers could not figure out why it had long rays coming off of it (planned ignorance)
the Day the earth was devastated by the Comet Venus is commemorated in this temple central to this Mayan cultural symbol and religious “myths” denoted in the Popul Vuh their religious document which has been passed down to us … another name for Venus was Quetzalcoatl the plumed serpent god of the night sky whose heart eventually became the planet Venus … but notice our friend Chac Mul is located on top center of this temple in the artists reconstruction below (see also my 05/09/2015 Picture of the Day explaining the enigma of this central mayan figure who was a 6 foot tall european with knee high moccasins)
notice the glyph codex below the serpents head of Quetzalcoatl … a comet tail
The reality is that Venus (pictured below with its acid haze cloud cover and inferno heat) was a comet in historical times … its “scientific enigmas” are easily explainable when you realize it formed as a comet raging through the solar system .. as explained by my Plasma Discharge Comet Model …
comically NASA scientists recently admitted that both Venus and Mars exhibit comet tails (as i have stated many times that i have personally observed) and that Pluto also has a comet tail (which i predicted they would find months before the New Horizons space craft passed) … are they finally breaking slowly since you the public are fully aware of this because of my work … the “creeping crud” is trying to crawl out from under their rock … jim mccanney
July 23, 2015 Picture of the Day … THE ROSETTA MISSION JUST RELEASED 1700 PHOTOS OF COMET 67P
… it is clearly a hot dry rock with no ice or snow or vapor of any kind coming off the nucleus (also exhibiting large scale striated rock layers that had to have formed in a planet that had ongoing geological activity … this is just a piece of the core of an old planet) … SOOOO are comets dirty snowballs ??? here is what the European Space Agency said which only confirms what NASA discovered long ago (as early as 1986 when 4 spacecraft passed Comet Halley) in spite of the fact that they all keep spouting “little icy wanderer” and many phrases like that in every news report you see in the joooze smoooze noooze … using data taken in November 2014 from the infrared spectrometer on board the Rosetta Space Craft at comet 67P … “Rosetta has already collected enough data about the comet for scientists to know that the surface of Comet 67P is actually too warm to be ice-covered. Instead, ESA scientists think (emphasis added) that the comet only has splotches of ice intermixed with a dusty crust.” So we know that comets do not have the expected surface ice and they are “warm” … well if they are warm on the outside and it is colder than cold in outer space … then the HEAT is coming from within … so then how is water snow or water ice or other chemicals like CO2 or ammonia (far more volatile than H2O) commonly found in comet tails going to exist inside the nucleus ??? it does not need the sun to heat it up to expel these volatiles it is already hotter than an object that can hold these volatiles … in short THE VOLATILE GASSES INCLUDING WATER SEEN IN THE COMET TAIL CANNOT COME FROM THE COMET NUCLEUS … i have had personal contact with the head of the Rosetta mission that the H2O, CO2 and other tail chemicals they monitored were found 10 and 100 km from the comet nucleus … THEY HAVE NEVER DETECTED ANY OF THESE NEAR THE COMET NUCLEUS where they should be most abundant if they in fact are coming off the nucleus … they continue to mime the sentiment that the dust in the region of the nucleus is “jetted” from the nucleus by gasses BUT THEY cannot detect the gasses where the gasses should be most abundant … THEY CANNOT SEE THE ALLEGED GASSES COMING OUT OF THE NUCLEUS … the reality is the near nucleus dust jets are related to the electrical effects in the vicinity of the comet nucleus … but let’s step back a minute … the comet nucleus looks brilliant white from a distance with the comet tail active and very present … BUT when the Rosetta craft penetrated to within a few kilometers of the nucleus they saw it as pure black with NO tail activity (once again nothing new … we saw the same at Comet Halley and ALL other comets visited to date) … the nucleus being blacker than the blackest coal … so all that bright white comet activity you see from a distance is just that … activity at a distance … PER MY PLASMA DISCHARGE COMET MODEL … but going a bit deeper … comets are complex animals with many layers of plasma shielding and many many related measurable effects … they certainly are detecting these with Rosetta but the news releases all discuss only the most superficial aspects of the “dirty snow ball theory” … we are talking about 1979 to 2015 and counting that my theory has been public … i released it to the scientific community when i was at Cornell University as a faculty member in 1979 … i could go on and on with more details but the real question is … how long can these clowns hold out ??? probably forever in the government sponsored tier 2 science scenario … jim mccanney PS addendum … at the Paris Air Show the lead ESA scientist on the Rosetta mission admitted that comets are NOT DIRTY SNOW BALLS and they have been wrong about that “model”
June 21, 2015 posting … ok boys and girls … the European Space Agency today released about 50 photos of comet 67P … taken last NOVEMBER as the comet lander craft Philae came in at super close range before it crash landed … apparently these pics have been stored inside the lander since then and just retrieved in the past day … WOW !!! this is really amazing … once again confirming everything and more from my theoretical work … i am posting just one pic here … have you ever been to the rocky mountains … the alps … the Himalayas … the andes … all up thrust mountains with jagged striated rock sticking out and smashed angles from the enormous forces due to a long ago passing planet Comet X object (which has happened to earth MANY MANY times to form the mountains we see today) … now the nucleus of comet 67P HAS NO WATER OR ICE … not on the surface and not below … and even if there were … it is not escaping from the surface to form the comet tail … recent spectrometer data shows no H20 OR CO OR ANY OTHER COMMON TAIL MOLECULES in the vicinity of the nucleus … just atomic C H O N … atoms … they have concocted a simple simon silly science scenario for how water immediately is destroyed as it comes off the nucleus by solar UV light BUT then how does it get into the tail region where those chemicals are abundant ??? they fail to ponder that little contradiction … with every drop of new data as they grapple for explanations they “solve” one disparity while creating 5 more contradictions … but since no one can get a question in edgewise in their rubber stamp peer review journals their ridiculous crap gets published and regurgitated in the news media without batting an eye … their standard story is that comet nuclei formed billions of years ago as fluffy dust and snow conglomerated into “dirty snowballs” … fluffy little icy wanders as you have heard more times than you can imagine … but it turns out that fairy tale isn’t true either … here is a great pic of the comet nucleus with STRIATED LAYERED ROCK JUST LIKE THE MOUNTAIN RANGES ON EARTH … formed over eons layering up under extreme pressure in the interior then thrust up 10,000 to 20,000 feet in a matter of hours … or as in the case of the 67P comet nucleus … blasted out into space by a planetary collision … but oooops we sure cannot say that now can we … imagine all the geologists on staff at ESO looking at these clearly striated rock features BUT ARE UNDER GAG ORDERS AND CANNOT TALK … well forget them … see for yourselves (photo left is comet 67P – photo right is rocky mountain up thrust stratified rock outcrop) … jim mccanney
June 15, 2015 posting … below is a NASA pic of a clear starry night with the stellar wonder (our galaxy) The Milky Way overhead … but out over the ocean is a series of clouds exploding with external electrical discharges we commonly call “lightning” … but scientists do not know what causes lightning let alone from a clear starry sky … the reality is that lightning is simply a circuit in the middle of a much larger electrical circuit from the ionosphere which is part of the solar electric field all powered by the earth’s discharge of the “solar capacitor” as defined in my work … jim mccanney (see my poster on the secure web ordering page for lightning explanation around volcanos)
June 13, 2015 posting … although i am putting full time into the WING project (please help fund it in link above) … the world of outer space is heating up with the approach of the New Horizons space craft at Pluto … today in reworking some NASA released photos i am 98% certain i have detected COMET ACTIVITY at pluto which i predicted as you know … what is more interesting is that NASA has chosen none other than HAL WEAVER (data fixing con man from the old Hale Bopp Days) … why did NASA pick a comet “specialist” to head the Pluto New Horizons program ??? certainly there could be no dirty snowball comet activity in this remote outpost of our solar system … we now know the Hubble space telescope and other orbiting facilities have been fervently studying pluto for years and NOT RELEASING THE DATA … the moons are wandering in strange gyrations (seen by Hubble not the New Horizons probe) … NOW NASA has released images showing pluto to have varying terrain and topography and as i just said … here is the comet activity seen from a distance … can you see it too ??? in the video of this series you can see the “clouds” swirling around the moons and planet just as in the initial pictures of Hale Bopp that NASA scuttled off the internet … this is tentative but getting real interesting … this ties in with my new book release that i held back on due to the WING project but maybe i will have to release it anyway … stay tuned and i will definitely be covering this … in the mean time please help with my WING project below … jim mccanney
recent Pluto pics above from the New Horizon show the planet rotating and showing surface structure … possibly a polar cap … it has a known atmosphere and … WEATHER ??? standard science says that weather is caused by solar light input … but there ain’t no sunlight worth spitting at where pluto stands in our solar system … the sun will look like a larger than average star … my explanation of weather shows that it is strictly due to plasma effects around the planet and has very little if anything to do with sunlight … this is getting interesting but look at the pic below …
look for the comet activity above … middle pic shows the streaks and swirls of dust clouds … why should pluto have comet activity ??? as i have explained this is a PRIME area for comets since 1) it is discharging the solar capacitor just inside the outer region of the capacitor AND 2) the rich supply of dust gasses and molecular species held back by solar wind pressure as shown in my Plasma Discharge Comet Model … we can see these same clouds with planets forming in them around other stars as seen in the pic below … do you see the comets forming in the nebular ion cloud around this star below ??? this is from my earliest work and as always NASA is “discovering” and confirming my earliest predictions … watch how “surprised” they are going to be and without explanations when they get the data at pluto … if they release them without photo shopping the *@#$*&!?*# out of them first … but imagine all the other data such as electromagnetic effects that they will hide as they slip out a few pretty pictures for you the unsuspecting public … that’s why NASA has Hal Weaver at the helm … he is an expert at smooozing the data … jim mccanney
06/03/2015 Picture of the Day – Mars Recent River Bed Pic
NASA just released this pic of Mars taken over a half year ago … only trouble is they forgot to photoshop out the meandering river bed at the lower right … their story is that the blue coloration in the large crater is basalt blown into these areas by 100 km per hour winds that blaze over the martian surface constantly … you can see the tremendous erosion on the larger and nearby caters … they are almost completely covered and destroyed by wind erosion … but NOT the delicate meandering river bed that was more than a mile wide … a meandering river is an old river as the currents swashed out the banks to make the bends and turns as you see on old earth rivers … you see the upper mississippi as straight and wide being younger than the lower mississippi which twists and turns many times forming islands as it completes an entire circle … OLD meaning it took a long time to form these features … so the river that once flowed here at the lower right took a long time to form and left its bed in pristine condition like a spring flower … what’s wrong with this picture ??? it proves AGAIN that mars had oceans recently … if this erosion were billions of years old as NASA says … then this river would have been LONG GONE !!! proving again my long standing claim based on observation (something predicted by Velikovsky long before close up pics of mars were available) that mars lost its atmosphere and oceans recently … real data does not lie and requires truthful interpretations not religious dogma … recall i have many many pics of mars on the archive sub-page of mars with many other examples proving my point and remember that my book Principia Meteorologia The Physics of Sun Earth Weather has a center area with 8 high resolution plates covering the entire surface of mars … worth the price just for that not to mention all the other details about space and planetary weather … jim mccanney
June 02, 2015 Picture of the Day – Predicted Severe Weather arrives on Queue
WELL the facts are in … a number of weeks ago i made a prediction for severe world wide weather starting May 30 … i correlated the factors of a strong CME that grazed earth mid month that standard science dismissed but i knew from my work that it would continue out into the solar system and i calculated it would discharge with Saturn at near may 30th connecting earth with Saturn electrically (the ringed planet commands a vast linear discharge in its region to the far reaches of the solar systems and is currently electrically aligned with earth so this boost connects them electrically across the entire solar system on our side of the sun) and being further “triggered” by the swift footed planet Mercury which snapped into an electrical alignment on may 30th in addition to our Full Moon leaving the earth completely “naked” to the effects of the solar wind and this incredibly strong cross solar system discharge of the solar capacitor (not just the usual local capacitor) … as with all of my weather predictions (now hundreds that predate the events sometimes by months) i have real data and conditions that are factors in my predictions … i do not use computer models or extrapolated data from past weather systems … like your national weather service NOAA or its subsidiaries like weather dot com (rothschild owned) or the national hurricane prediction center … look at the world weather satellite map tonight … i counted over 120 severe storms including two hurricanes off the west coast of mexico … there are 7 major storms that just passed over japan in a line … the entire equator is ablaze with storms and the USA itself is being bombarded by storms especially in the entire eastern US all the way down through the caribbean (see satellite pic below) … note that none of this existed prior to this time except for the manipulated storms over oklahoma and texas of past weeks (how strange as the drought in california raged on) … the current severe weather is not a small local event but WORLD WIDE … as i predicted … when these solar system wide discharge events connect with earth’s upper atmosphere they then connect to local surface weather events as they discharge the vertical electric field via existing cloud systems that build into the major storms you see … this is where the majority of energy is funneled into storms … oh and one last point … i do all this myself … i do this for free for you the public and i never get a government pay check … the last of the true independent scientists and very proud of it … jim mccanney
August 31, 2015 Picture of the Day … Space Weather Update …
there were 3 category 4 hurricanes (now 2) in the pacific ocean at one time this past week … plus a few in the atlantic … plus about 60 serious storms around the equator too numerous to mention … what has been going on ??? here are the 6 major contributing factors … these all happened simultaneously … alone not one would produce this level of severe weather but combined at the same time you can see the results … 1) Venus had an inferior conjunction with earth with direct linear electrical connection on the 19th but it really did not take hold until around the 25th of august since 2) a compact solar wind streamer was arching out of the sun connecting earth to venus electrically … 3) at just this same time a small comet came crashing directly into the sun causing extensive flaring some of which followed the plasma streamer out reinforcing the venus earth electrical connection with a good deal more electrical current … this increased earth’s discharge of the solar capacitor … 4) earth had a near perihelion full moon (closest approach to earth) which further increased the solar capacitor discharge to earth … 5) we are directly in the august return current sheet which dominates our auroras and weather in the month of august (as explained in my weather work this causes the increase in severe storms including the peak of the hurricane and aurora seasons in the month of august) … note we had a surprise aurora far south during this time also and severe weather at the south pole … both poles were very active … 6) the solar wind came in with a reversal and neutralized our protective magnetic space sheath causing a compression of our upper atmosphere which increased troposphere weather especially the severe storms that are driven by the vertical electric field … so all of these factors affected earth weather see the world weather maps below (left is the pacific ocean with 3 hurricanes surrounding the Hawaiian Islands … right is the atlantic ocean weather map) … can you count all of the storms … this does not show the south pole or the south pacific or the indian ocean or africa where tremendous storms were also precipitated ??? i will be discussing this in greater detail on my show this week … jim mccanney
05/29/2015 Picture of the Day – WHO was Chac Mul?
as with many items in standard archaeology … no one has a clue as to why this european looking 6 foot tall guy with knee high moccasins is central to the most important city in all of maya land Chichen Itza and also is found in many other cities (one with fringes on his moccasins) and in some instances alone in the middle of the yucatan jungle ….i apologize for the poor pic above as i have my own on site pictures of many of these same carved rock statues from all over mexico when i was on location … ole Chac here hardly looking like the 4 foot tall mayans with pressed upper foreheads and extended noses … this most central “person” is an inigma … but for more information listen to my radio show for may 29, 2015 where i discuss the absurd notion that man migrated across the Bering Strait 11,000 years ago as the “ice age” allegedly lowered the ocean levels (another myth of modern education) to populate the western hemisphere … so how exactly did ol’ chac (a french name completely fabricated by modern man) get into the middle of the mayan culture around what we think was approximately 1000 AD ??? what really happened … listen to my show and learn … i will be continuing this theme in coming months on my show mixed with space science of the electrical nature of the solar system … jim mccanney
05/12/2015 Picture of the Day… AFTER THOUGHT – Ceres pics … commentary
BELOW on the 05/12/2015 Picture of the Day i discuss the recently released photos of the minor planet Ceres by NASA’s Dawn mission … what is obvious is that these pics have been photo-shopped … we saw this with photos of the planet Mercury as i pointed out in other recent postings of the Picture of the Day … some pics make the planet look like just another cratered hulk … dark … craters … ok … but other pictures show the complete scenario of interplanetary electrical discharge paths streaked across the planetary surface with strings of craters like pearls with some burned in much more clearly and more intensely … when you look at the pics you almost imagine that it is not even the same planet … the point is that the same has obviously been done with the pics released of Ceres … dark gray lifeless Ceres … but where are the electrical discharges that are certainly there … photo shopped out (tone adjusted) and you may never see the real pics … remember that i initiated this field of direct observation and identification of interplanetary electrical discharges when i was at Cornell University in 1979 seeing data as it came off space craft for the first time noting for example the clear “rings” around a crater burned into the surface of that moon of jupiter … jim mccanney
05/12/2015 Picture of the Day – FINALLY – Ceres pics
see explanation of the pics and link to downloadable video below … this is interesting … i discovered Mount McCanney (i think) … read this then re-read the 05/06/2015 Picture of the Day posting which i left posted below to compare bright spots of Ceres and Mercury … it appears that these are naturally occurring phenomenon related to both collision AND electrical discharges to the planetary surfaces …
Above is a size comparison pic of Earth – our Moon and Ceres … Ceres is the smaller one but is still spherical meaning that when it formed (during its comet stage of development) it had sufficient self gravity to pull the molten blob into a sphere … BUT is too small to be considered a real planet because (by definition) it is too small to gravitationally control the region in its orbit … the region between Mars and Jupiter where thousands of asteroids orbit the sun … and in every which direction … the term “asteroid belt” is a misnomer it is an “asteroid zone” … but Ceres does not control them so Ceres is termed a “minor planet”
Above one of the “bright spots” that has puzzled scientists (including myself) since first seen in lower resolution pics years ago from the Hubble Space Telescope (i know many of you are thinking “alien base” but is there a natural cause? keep reading … )
Above is a complete (both sides) composite pic of Ceres taken from 8400 miles away … notice a few of the “bright spots” which they have discovered with close up photos are many many small bright spots close together … they seem to be either on rim edges OR out in the middle of a large crater having nothing to do with the formation of the crater …
NOW … the final video pic …this is about 27 MBytes (BIG BIG) download so right click on the link below and select “open in separate tab” and then continue reading below until the download completes …
the download is a video of Ceres rotating … first understand that Ceres is a large frozen ball of ice according to NASA mass analysis (and possibly sloshy water mixture) with a dark sooty covering … in watching i noticed a “bump and its shadow” … i will discuss this more below but my first belief is that this is an ice mountain created as icy water broke through the surface layer and like a volcano on earth of molten rock formed an ICE MOUNTAIN … i thought of calling it Mount McCanney … but instead of seeking more fame than i already have (NASA would never give me credit anyway) i am naming it Mount Gerda after the Hans Christian Anderson 1844 fairy tale The Snow Queen who is beset by evil trolls … i like that theme also since in the real world NASA employs evil “internet trolls” to do its bidding (angrily demanding you believe their Bad Astronomy and Science) and run amuck with good science … so watch the video and watch the far left horizon edge of Ceres as the horizon becomes visible … Mount Gerda (an ice mountain i am presuming) first appears as a small pimple looking bump on the left side and as it moves to the right you can see its shadow (upwards of the bump because the sunlight is coming from below) … watch Mount Gerda as it crosses the disk along the lower portion of Ceres AND THEN EMERGES again to the lower right hand side again as a bump along the eastern horizon … all the time you can see its shadow to the “north” or upper side … MOUNT GERDA … i like that … BUT BUT BUT !!! there is something more immediately obvious about Ceres … isn’t it what you would call a “dirty snow ball” … a ball of ice covered with a dark layer of sooty material ?!?!? yes it is … by NASA’s own analysis … a GIANT ONE … but wait boys and girls grandmas and grandpas … shouldn’t it be acting as a raging comet ?????? yes it should according to the NASA dirty snowball comet model … just like the icy moons of Jupiter Europa Ganymede and Callisto which also lie naked to the solar wind … BUT NO COMET TAIL SEEN !!! so could that mean that ONCE AGAIN the McCanney Plasma Discharge Comet Model comes through ??? could the answer be in the affirmative ??? now look at mercury below with its surface bright spots and compare to Ceres … jim mccanney
05/06/2015 Picture of the Day – Planet Mercury pic releases
the above pics were just released of the NASA Mercury Orbiter that for the past 4 years has been orbiting and studying the planet mercury … recently i reported on mercury and tracks of electrical discharges that criss crossed its surface from the passage of comets which is common for little mercury in its position near the sun … i also commented on how the pics are always photo shopped to minimize the view of the tremendous electrical damage to the surface … although these are highly photo shopped and adjusted photos one can still see what are obviously recent electrical discharge damage sites … NASA says all this is caused by “colliding asteroids” … how do asteroids cause planet wide perfectly linear streaks with many craters in line … silly science … (i have a new name for NASA … National Academy of Silly Astronomy) … the other problem with these pics is that they are extremely low resolution … i imagine the real pics are a minimum of 20 MBytes each … here you see pics of less than 100kB … the trash pawned off on the public … the top pic easily you can detect the linear electrical paths that scar the surface with occasional burned crates along the path where the discharge locked in for an extended period of time then passed to the next location … the lower picture shows bright spots that may be a combination of impacts and electrical connections where the lower brighter land is exposed but in either case these are RECENT … the darker cover of the planet as i explained before is due to the comet effect (my Plasma Discharge Comet Model) as the planet draws in material from the local environment and is baked on the surface by its proximity to the solar inferno and electric discharge … as with all the planets mercury is acting as a comet discharging the solar capacitor locally and this is very intense in its location near the sun … they also discovered that mercury has a small magnetic field close to its surface (see more pics and discussion on the Picture of the Day Archive sub-page) … jim mccanney
04/27/2015 Picture of the Day – Who Owns Outer Space ???
Above Elon Musk and gov officials Sept 22, 2014 break ground – center Elon Musk (estimated personal worth $12 Billion) Space X Owner with US Rep Filemon Vela Tx and Tx Gov Rick Perry at Space X Boca Chica Beach Tx Space Port
Above Jeff Bezos (estimated worth $35 Billion) Secret Texas “Land” procured for his private space venture Blue Origins LLC
these people are vying to dominate outer space … i used to think private enterprise was the way to get into space “for the people” BUT this is hardly what is happening … is the procurement of lands related to government associations “for the people” and how many have lost (and will lose) their property at the hands of such “ventures” … like in Nevada where senator Harry Reed and associates cheated ranchers out of their land … but that is just the tip of the iceberg … my belief is that outer space is like water … every human has an inalienable right to it as their birth right … and not to be owned or controlled by anyone or any group or any government and certainly not any military or “security agency” … remember that Musk has secret contracts with Google owned by the CIA who has NASA as well as military (spy satellite) interests … remember that i have exposed that in the early 1990s NASA was taken over by the CIA and cleansed (at the hands of ex CIAer Dan Golden under the directorship of then president George Bush Sr ex head of the CIA) … all remaining at NASA after the cleansing were forced to sign gag orders and the final division between what i call tier 1 and tier 2 science was made (tier 2 is the official fairy tale science pawned off on the public whereas tier 1 is the secret space program you never see mainly under the direction of the US navy) … for decades the CIA has been laundering its international drug money from heroin and cocaine into high tech purchases and the lucrative internet businesses that also create data bases on all of you to monitor every move you make … they are now involved in massive disinformation campaigns to direct public opinion and direct wars … the list goes on and on … remember that the CIA is the police force of the world bankers … they have NOTHING to do with “security of you and your loved ones” … this should be very scary for all of you out there … while you were sleeping or surfing the internet … your money was being absconded with for the richness of a very few … those who have succeeded beyond anyone’s wildest dreams or imaginations seem to have a strange path to this “success” … at the base of all of this is the CIA as well as government and other entities … the route to success is paved for some … and blocked for others as Richard Branson is finding out (he is not one of the “boys”) … WHO OWNS OUTER SPACE ??? i can tell you it is not you … like the song says … “all the gold in california is in a bank under somebody else’s name” … jim mccanney
April 23, 2015 picture of the day … Calbuco Volcano Chile blows its top AND connects electrically !!!
THIS JUST IN … TODAY … EXPLOSIVE eruption of the Calbuco Volcano Chile … remember my 2009 presentation on this web page (still posted on the thought of the day sub-page) of the multiple Chile Volcanic eruptions that resembled these pics (one was so impressive i put on my 30 year anniversary poster available on the secure ordering sub-page) … these show the electrical discharges that come from the ionosphere as the plume of hot gases and dust reach upwards like a grounded finger in the sky … note that the “lightning” is outside the clouds proving my theoretical work that the electrical activity is from OUTSIDE and not somehow magically generated from within the plume as standard science would have you believe … if the electricity were generated inside the plume then the discharges would occur within the plume (as that would be the shortest path) … there is a humorous story that goes with my poster mentioned above … i took a very similar version of my 30 year anniversary poster to the 2009 AGU meeting held in Ft Lauderdale Florida … a group of graduate students gathered around and i was explaining my theoretical work and they were very interested … their advisor (a NASA crony) happened by and was seriously distraught … he started arguing with me that the electricity was generated in the plume by updrafts … i did not say anything and one of his students pointed that he could not be correct because the discharges were outside of the plume (this is just basic physics … a battery will discharge within … it is the battery’s high internal resistance that prevents it from discharging rapidly and completely … how many batteries have you ever seen auto-discharging outside ??? NONE no matter what their voltage at the poles) … anyway their advisor adamantly told them that the charge was generated WITHIN the plume and forced them to follow him away from me and my poster … i think they all learned something that day … about the politics of science … and that if you want a degree here you do not talk about atmospheric electricity … jim mccanney P.S. a listener sent a link to wikipedia and some peer reviewed articles regarding “official science” explanation of lightning above volcanoes which i posted on the “simple simon silly science” sub-page … not worth wasting any space here
04/22/2015 Picture of the Day – Comet 67P photo-shopped again …
it is unbelievable the absurdity they pawn off on the public … the above pics appeared today in the “science news media” that repeats whatever NASA or in this case ESO hands it … total this released pic has only 8 kB of data … the resolution is SO LOW it is ridiculous … it is photo shopped and tone brightened as if shining off the page … in reality the nucleus of 67P is blacker than the blackest coal … deceptive reporting states that ice and volatiles are forcing “dust jets” off the nucleus … what is really going on is that there is dust in the region of the nucleus and faint rays of reflected sunlight are illuminating the dust that is drawn into the nuclear region by electrical forces as defined in my Plasma Discharge Comet Model … they claim they detect changes in the movement of jet structure which they interpret as meaning the dust is receding away from the nucleus at 8 meters per second (about equivalent to a slow trot) and that this somehow makes its way to the comet dust tail which is observed from afar … but how does this dust spread to evenly fill the vast symmetrical tail area ??? at this rate it would take 7 days to reach the mid region of the coma BUT by then the comet would be millions of miles farther in its path around the sun … if they claim solar wind or solar radiation moves the dust then it would form a “tail” about 50 meters in diameter hardly what we observe from a distance … it is hardly worth wasting time anymore with the “Simple Simon Silly Science” coming from the space agencies … photo shopped pics … “data” that is rudely primitive and does not add up even within their own theoretical structure … they also do not report any gasses coming off the nucleus that should be detectable from the Rosetta space craft spectrometers … jim mccanney
04/15/2015 Picture of the Day – Lightning strikes THROUGH the cloud
Proving my theoretical work that lightning is not formed IN clouds but the clouds are a path to the ground level (in this case water … lightning LOVES to strike the water) … if you could look at any lightning exchange with the earth there is also lightning ABOVE the clouds … but where does the earth vertical electric field come from and what maintains it ??? my work explains this in detail … you will find that lightning is part of a larger electrical circuit … standard science cannot tell you where lightning comes from or what makes it happen … since a picture is worth a thousand words i will stop talking here … read and learn more about this in my books CDs DVDs and educational posters … jim mccanney
04/08/2015 Picture of the Day – Comet 67P March 22, 2015
Rosetta Mission photo 04/22/2015 of Comet 67P … i have been talking about photo shopping photos (specifically changing “tones”) to hide data but here is a case where the image was made extremely bright to exaggerate effects … in this case they want to express that “lots” of material “is coming off the nucleus” … but here is what is really going on … they are NOT detecting any water or other volatiles … so their precious dirty snow ball comet model (with the mythical icy nucleus) is not putting out the carrier system (sublimated volatiles including water) to create the forces that they need to “push” the dust “from the nucleus” … but you see the rays of light reflected off the nucleus shining on dust that yes you see in this photo … but the dust is an electrically charged dust cloud attracted to the comet nucleus … they have spectrometers on the Rosetta mission that would easily detect even low levels of water and believe me if they were seeing water THEY WOULD BE BROADCASTING IT TO THE HEAVENS … but mums the world … just a seriously photo shopped (extreme tone increase) photo … to get a better idea of the level of tone “adjustment” … the nucleus in reality is blacker than the charcoal in your Bar B Q grill … but see how it almost shines off the page … and NO WATER DETECTED coming off the nucleus … so what’s happening to the water that is detected from a distance in the comet tail ??? it combines with electrons in the vicinity of the nucleus and they are carried out by the solar wind … they are called “neutrals” … in a large comet they would be held by the gravitational field but in this small comet they are carried away and nowhere to be found near the nucleus … looking at the picture … one has to ask the simple question … how do the seemingly one sided asymmetrical rays (allegedly coming off one side of the nucleus) magically turn into the perfectly symmetrical comet tail filled with water ??? this is beyond absurd but no one in the “news media” has enough intelligence to ask this simple question … they just blindly print whatever NASA pawns off on them … the main point of the article in which this picture was found was that the Rosetta space craft was having a hard time maintaining stability … they blamed that on dust particles hitting the satellite … but listen to my 04/09 radio show for my description of the electrical effects on a metal space craft in the vicinity of a small charged celestial object (in this case a comet nucleus) for which i defined mathematical equations governing the erratic forces in my 1981 publication “Saturn’s Sweeper Moons Predicted” … the reality is that a comet is a very complex animal and they are sliding out the absolute minimum of “data” and calling it an ice ball … comets exhibit ultraviolet light and x-rays … there are continual fluctuations in the magnetic fields and many many other measurable aspects in a dynamic comet … BUT THEY SAY NOTHING ABOUT ANY OF THESE … hoping the public will be complacent and bite off on this simple simon fairy tale “science” … listen to my show for more details … jim mccanney
NOTE – i have been waiting with baited breath for the Ceres pictures from the DAWN spacecraft … i now have confirmed that NASA scientists are setting on them and we also know they are being seriously photo shopped before being released to the public … this is criminal activity for two reasons … this information is public information and related to your birthright to the stars … and secondly this minor planet holds the key to disproving the plethora of NASA fairy tale science theories (as have so many other space probes of the past decades) … so they keep their lofty high paying positions based on complete garbage science that is pawned off on you the paying public … but what are they finding … i can tell you without even seeing them … here is what i wrote to a listener
jim mccanney
04/07/2015 Picture of the Day – Saturn Rings and Moon Tethys
from the Cassini mission at Saturn … moon Tethys orbit outside the rings … the angle of the sun casts a shadow of the rings on the planet’s upper surface … what you see in the shadows is the fact that the rings are like an old fashioned record disk spiraling inwards … they are constantly forming and spiraling into the planet and therefore are not “ancient” … this was part of my prediction when i published my peer reviewed paper “Saturn’s Sweeper Moons Predicted” in 1980 when i was on the faculty at Cornell University … this is reprinted in the appendix of my Planet X Comets and Earth Changes book … like the “sweeper moons” that i predicted that have all been confirmed … the sweeper moons are electrically discharging the fusion based capacitor of Saturn and therefore even though they are small their electric fields combined with that of saturn creates the characteristic comet shape around the moons sweeping the rings to the outer side of the moons (the rings exhibit a elongated fading) whereas the outer edges of the rings are well defined (the comet “nose” is much shorter on the saturn side and therefore sweeps out a very sharp path on the outside ring edges) … remember that i took these known observations of the rings BEFORE any space craft arrived at saturn and predicted the presence of these tiny moons that were hidden from earth view by their very small size … you can learn more about this discovery and others in my books and other educational materials … jim mccanney
03/30/2015 Picture of the Day … today NASA scientists published an article in NATURE … the British equivalent of SCIENCE in the USA … these are rubber stamp “peer reviewed” journals that publish anything NASA throws at them … without the least hint of critical review and certainly without input from anyone else … these are the “dogma” postings of the religion of standard astronomical theory … supporting the status quo at all costs … today’s article deals with the planet Mercury … they say it is very dark because carbon is found all over its surface (picture below)
… and they believe “comets” crashed into the planet leaving carbon (implying of course the NASA pet theory for comets “the Dirty Snowball Comet Model”) … BUT if you look at the picture the exact opposite is true … where the impact craters and comet discharge burn streaks (in many cases the craters are electrical discharge burn craters as you can see the long paths burned by the discharges as they ran across the surface) are located in the above photo the sprays are LIGHTER in color tones … according to the NASA boys’ theory and analyzing the true result of such a bombardment (of a dirty snowball) the individual impacts would leave darkened regions at impact leaving the rest of the planet surface lighter in color tone … but they apparently did not look at their own photo … the real cause is that Mercury is close to the sun and is continually attracting carbon which is a common solar system atomic species by discharging the solar capacitor as explained in my Plasma Discharge Comet Model (it is acting exactly like a plasma discharge comet) … comet nuclei that we have visited characteristically exhibit NO WATER OR ICE of any kind (surface or sub-surface) even though their vast tails are full of water … and CARBON chains (hydrocarbons) … baked onto their surfaces causing them to be very black … mercury is the only inner solar system planet without an atmosphere so acts much like a comet nuclei and has no atmosphere to absorb and later the incoming hydrocarbons … Mercury is constantly drawing in carbon based material which then settles on the surface and is baked by the solar wind and incredible heat from the near by sun … then when an asteroid or comet nuclei hits OR an electrical discharge burns a path along the surface (remaining in some spots longer to burn out entire craters) it rips off the top darker layers exposing the lower brighter older layers as seen in the photo … once again my Plasma Discharge Comet Model explains the data precisely … i encourage you to look at my book Planet X Comets and Earth Changes which has a reprint in the Appendix of my 1980 publication (the historically important 3 part comet paper) where i post a photo of the moon Callisto of Jupiter that shows concentric rings of iron that formed circles around the center electrical discharge … this was the first confirmed discovery of electrical discharge surface scarring on a distant celestial object … this is a topic i pioneered and as with everything else dealing with the Electric Universe being once again confirmed by new space craft data (much of which has been the unfortunate victim of mass plagiarism by the many copy cat clowns that populate the internet today) … below are posted 2 more pics to support this Thought of the Day session … the first is a higher resolution older photo of Mercury where you see a balance of asteroid impact craters as well as the electrical discharge paths which show the discharge “locked in” on certain locations and burned a serious hole in the planetary surface … the other is the discharge i just mentioned on the moon Callisto of Jupiter … you can read more details of this discovery in my book and appendix as noted above long before anyone ever imagined the electrical processes in the solar system i had already completely covered the field with my theoretical work
above planet Mercury in a different light (most of the discharge streaks are not visible because of the light correction done to the photo by NASA) … the lighting on the first photo shows the discharge streaks much more clearly
and below is Callisto moon of Jupiter showing the picture i presented in my discovery of the first electrical discharge on a distant planetary surface in 1980 that started the entire field of examining interplanetary discharges on the surfaces of other planets … the concentric rings seen with the discharge crater in the center (right side of this pic) show the iron alignment just like you can show in a laboratory by sprinkling a magnetic material like iron filings on a sheet of paper and running a wire with an electrical current through the wire … imagine the Israelites as Moses led them across the desert sands and the Comet Pre-Planet Venus discharged to the earth’s surface … jim mccanney
03/20/2015 Picture of the Day – A Rose … Are there Roses on the other side of the Universe ???
My book THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE asks the question … if you found a diamond … would you think it was the only one in the universe and guard it and not look for any more ??? or would you assume that there were more ??? all diamonds are different and show differing characteristics which make it impossible to copy … such as internal fissures … but the method of creating a diamond in nature is the same on the far side of the universe as it is here in our solar system … i also point out that the assumed process where diamonds are allegedly created deep in the earth cannot possibly be true and present 100% conclusive evidence that diamonds are made in natural causes in outer space … the argument continues to discuss DNA … i also discuss DNA as a by product of generating prime numbers in my book Calculate Primes … the DNA in your little finger is the same as in this rose and is the same on the other side of the universe … does this mean that the complex histories that became the rose are going to exist on the other side of the universe ??? not at all … DNA is a complex molecule that is very stable and based on 4 main atoms C – O – H – N which always combine in certain complex forms to create the nucleotides of DNA … for more on this topic read my books noted above … jim mccanney
03/20/2015 Picture of the Day – RECENT OCEANS ON MARS compare recent pictures of the minor planet CERES near the orbit of mars
BUT first a picture of an “asteroid” in the asteroid belt that broke up and formed a 5 piece COMET (first it was a normal asteroid with no comet characteristics … after the break up which was confirmed to not be caused by any impacts it becomes a comet) … you can see the halos around each piece below … why is this important when talking about CERES the minor planet which is closer to the sun than this “asteroid” turned comet … because ceres is loaded with water and ice BUT does not show any comet characteristics and if the NASA “dirty snowball comet model” were correct then ceres should have been a ragingly huge comet and lost all its water billions of years ago … contradictions abound their story is so full of holes it makes a fishing net look solid … on my recent shows i have been discussing how NASA’s Dawn mission has been orbiting CERES the minor planet in the asteroid belt for over a month now and … drum roll … not a peep or smidgen of data and NO PICs even though they never really release anything without a thorough photo shop job and super low resolution for you the public … (that is “Science at NASA”) … see the asteroid turned comet then see the surface pic of ceres below
ceres below (super low resolution pics from mid february the only ones released in over a month from the NASA Dawn probe) … what are they hiding this time ??? but as with all NASA releases they immediately show their story does not add up … the left hand does not know what their right hand is doing .. the recent NASA “discovery” (theft of my material) discussed below and on a separate sub page says the oceans of mars are ANCIENT … what rabbits hat did they pull that out of ??? below you see the entire surface of the minor planet ceres COMPLETELY CRATERED WALL TO WALL … why is this important ??? because ceres’ orbit is close to that of mars … BUT the surface of mars has highly selective cratering … meaning that where the oceans were … the lack of craters means that the oceans erased the effects of impacts … but we know the current cratering rate of an object like mars near the asteroid belt is much higher than earth … the only result is that … as i have said this puts an upper limit on the time frame that the oceans on mars left … this upper limit is only A FEW THOUSAND YEARS … so how did mars lose its atmosphere and oceans only a few thousand years ago … we are told by the ancients who lived about 1500 BC that mars was a blue water planet like earth and lost its atmosphere to a large passing comet … see my books, CDs and DVDs for more information … but compare the picture below of Ceres cratering to the cratering in the next picture below of the surface of mars … decide for yourselves … when i explain something it is so you can look and make the decision for yourselves and not depend on rows and columns of paid tier 2 NASA fairy tale scientists with their shiny badges and skinny little neck ties telling you that the oceans on mars are “ancient” … there are many other reasons for understanding that the oceans were stripped away recently including the amazing huge dust storms that rip the surface of mars on a daily basis … ancient oceans features would have been destroyed long ago yet the surface features like delicate little river beds are fresh as a daisy …
MORE BELOW to compare the picture of the surface of Mars with the above pictures of near by Ceres … Ceres is completely cratered … Mars is not … this is the key to understanding that the “oceans” on mars are RECENT … at most a few thousand years have past since Mars lost its oceans … but like i said … the NASA release “experts” are not smart enough to see all the contradictions that abound in everything they release … no matter how photo shopped or how low a resolution they dumb on you the unsuspecting public …
the thieves at NASA recently “discovered” that the planet Mars had oceans but in typical NASA style dated it as “billions of years ago” … the amazing “discovery” announcement being blanket broadcast to the owned news media last thursday March 5th 2015 just as my last week show went to air and published in the rubber stamp “peer review journal” SCIENCE (which has been rubber stamp publishing all NASA tripe for decades) … the thief … one Michael Mumma of NASA’a Goddard Space Flight Center has stolen material from me before not the least of which was my work on x-rays in comets … my Picture of the Day sub-page last year featured Mars and the lost oceans showing that they are RECENT … also my weather book “Principia Meteorologia – The Physics of Sun Earth Weather” has a series of 8 high resolution plates of the entire surface of the planet Mars showing the oceans … exactly as “discovered” by NASA’s paid liar and thief Michael Mumma … here is one of the prints form my 2004 book on this topic … go to my weather book for the complete set … you can see the cratering heavy on the old land “highlands” and completely devoid of cratering on the old ocean area … we know the cratering rate on earth … Mars has a much higher rate since it sets at the edge of the asteroid belt … how long would mars go without any cratering in the lowlands after the water left ??? my estimate MAXIMUM 4000 years … the time frame Velikovsky gave for the historical observations of all civilizations from around the globe that mars lost its oceans to a large passing comet … the main thing the NASA controlled world bankers do NOT want you to know about is this fact … thus my success at pointing out the recent oceans on mars had to be side swiped so they sent in their paid liar Michael Mumma to steal my material and twist it into a “billions of years ago” lie … part of the ongoing fairy tale science for the public program at “Science at NASA” … the photo below shows the heavily cratered shoreline and highlands adjacent to the ocena area completely devoid of cratering … jim mccanney
P.S. see more on this on my Pictures of the Day sub-page (link below) AND on the specially created sub-page (link in the left hand column of my home page “Mars had recent vast oceans” … it was this where NASA got the idea to steal my material because i have been so successful in presenting my material to the public …
02/18/2015 Picture of the Day – Russian Kosmos Mini Shuttle
the people in the west are SOOOO dumbed down … when everyone was watching individual gemini and apollo launches (and alleged moon landings (which are unverified scientific claims) … Russia was launching thousands of men into space during the same period (1960s and 70s) … below is a spy plane image of the Kosmos Mini Shuttle being loaded onto a truck after recovery … the ruskies had sooo much lift power that they could put a Kosmos on the nose of their huge kerosene boosters and send 3 men at a time to their space station IN ADDITION to their main payload of kosmos series manned capsules … bet you never heard that on the evening news as you all beamed that “we were beating the russians in space” … you can see the known launch schedule below this pic … when i worked with russian scientists in the mid 1990s they said they had much more going on than this … like i said … you never heard that on the evening news … jim mccanney
zoom in with your browser to see details of the following
02/16/2015 Picture of the Day – Comet Holmes Demonstrates “Charge Shielding”
in the photo above notice the very faint perfectly circular cloud surrounding many layers of “shielding” and its definitive “edge” … outside this layer the comet exhibits NO CHARGE effects at all … except along the line of the solar electrical discharge which can extend millions of miles to the sunward and anti-sunward side … as you can see the comet “electrical” size is much different from the physical size of its nucleus which is possibly only a few miles across and takes on many many shapes depending on what “part” of the comet plasma you are talking about … how many “electrical layers” can you see in the above photo ???
of Comet Holmes again … in green (natural) light … the circular “shield” is about the size of the full moon in the night sky but physically was larger than the sun … a dirty snow ball ??? i think not … the actual nuclues is miniscule hiding deep inside this ball of celestial lightning … the spherical shielding form AND the tail rays (streaking out top right) are predicted in the mathematics of my Plasma Discharge Comet Model … not seen in visible light are the x-rays far to the sunward side also predicted by my model
this is me as a young man teaching students about shielding … you can see the smoke ion cloud accumulating around the negatively charged test ball in the electric field of a larger (left side) van de graaf generator … you can see this in my DVD # 1 and # 2 in clear remastered video … it sure is funny how students can understand these concepts but NASA scientists with PhDs cannot … listen to my recent radio shows where i discuss the topic of cometary and outer space shielding … jim mccanney
02/12/2015 Picture of the Day – HURRAAHHHH !!!!
PRIVATE SPACE VENTURE … succeeding … this is REAL science and engineering at work … 100 times over BRAVO and hats off to Richard Branson and Burt Rutan as they forge ahead in the ONLY TRUE PRIVATE SPACE PROGRAM … all of the others have borrowed or tapped into NASA and other government programs and agencies … that to me is the ultimate cop out … Branson has maintained his completely private status … the following photos are courtesy of the Branson Virgin Galactic web page … taken at their facility at the Space Port America … i saw their “White Knight One” transport vehicle (pictured here is the later more advanced version of the White Knight) a few years ago at the Oshkosh Wisconsin Air Show … in the early 1980s i met Burt Rutan at the Space America Air Show in San Diego where i was presenting my space systems in private audience conferences … jim mccanney
02/03/2015 Picture of the Day – Lightning — where does it come from ???
An admission occurred in a magazine recently admitting that standard science does not know what causes lightning … they speculated that “cosmic rays” sparked lightning … but holy missing energy source batman and boy wonder robin !!! if cosmic rays kick off lightning … and cosmic rays are bombarding us all the time … then … let me see … 1 + 1 = 2 … shouldn’t we have lightning all the time ??? is this more tier 2 fairy tale science grappling for straws ??? even if there were a link (which no one can confirm) the big question is “from where does the energy come from” … they always seem to skim over the obvious and necessary main question … like the tier 2 theory that comets brought life to earth … where did the comets get it ??? somewhere somehow there had to be a chicken before the egg or visa versa … but please don’t ask those tuff questions !!! putting the question farther out in time and space solves the problem for most tier 2 scientists … back to lightning … the picture below shows cloud to cloud lightning … how does lightning shoot out of clouds ??? have you ever seen electricity shoot out of a battery ??? NO … it needs a current path and without one the battery discharge’s easiest path is INTERNAL … my work pioneered the idea that the solar electric field which i called “the solar capacitor” basically provided the entire solar system with electrical activity … it drives our weather and many other aspects of our planet … in fact without it we would have extremely bland weather … read more about this in my books dealing with the electrical nature of the solar system and solar system weather … jim mccanney
02/02/2015 Picture of the Day – missed today
02/01/2015 Picture of the Day – Interacting Galaxies
Two galaxies interact gravitationally … see prior Pictures of the Day where i discuss my peer reviewed published paper dealing with symmetry (and other topics) of galactic formation (reprinted in appendix 1 of my “Planet X Comets and Earth Changes” book) … standard science claims that gravitational interactions between galaxies began with “density waves” that were created allegedly when two masses came close in outer space … as i pointed out this fails to explain the tremendous symmetries found in galaxies … ALL normal galaxies … now below see the photo of two galaxies that are interacting … they are ripping themselves apart but in a terribly asymmetrical manner … the interaction is destroying the symmetry that existed before … not creating symmetry … the density wave theory did not ever explain any of the data … it did not explain how a nucleus formed … how symmetry in remote dual arms formed or was maintained … it did not explain how circular newtonian (gravitationally bound) star orbits fit the light curve data … so they invented “invisible mass” also called “dark matter” … BUT it required so much of this invisible matter out in the arm system that there was more mass orbiting the nucleus than was contained in the nucleus … a completely unstable configuration … at every turn the “density wave” model failed BUT it maintained predominance in the peer reviewed journals for 40 + years and is still taught as the leading theory of galactic formation … the picture below shows what happens when galaxies interact gravitationally … they DESTROY one another … my theoretical work describes how galaxies form from collapsing gas and dust clouds and how the diametrically opposing arms form as a fluid flow problem as the two sprays flow outwards induced by the pressure of the inflowing gas and dust clouds … the clouds spin as they collapse giving the plane of the galaxy … and the symmetrical arm patterns … jim mccanney
01/31/2015 Picture of the Day – Warped Galaxies
I said i would discuss warped galaxies … here is a great example (photo below) however the universe is filled with them … what causes the disk to warp ??? one might off the cuff say this could be due to a passing galaxy or other mass causing a gravitational interaction … that is what standard astronomy says … but like the galaxy itself there is tremendous symmetry in the warped disk … EXACTLY the same on both sides even through they are separated by tens of thousands of light years … ALL of the warped disk galaxies exhibit this symmetry … are random gravitational interactions so perfectly affected that they impart the same gravity into both arms ??? of course not … in fact all the galaxies are apart in this photo and are evolving separately without any interactions although rarely we see galaxies coming close or even colliding (but oddly enough these colliding galaxies rarely show any warpage at all!!!) … my published paper “Continuing Galactic Formation” (reprinted in appendix 1 of my “Planet X Comets and Earth Changes” book) explains the warped disk as the result coming from the center of the galaxy as the arms form … the galactic formation model shows dust clouds collapsing and the arms emanating from the nuclear region … NOTE that in warped disk galaxies the warpage always points directly to the nucleus (the tangent to the surface of the disk) and if you drew a line between any two points on opposite sides that line will ALWAYS pass directly through the nucleus (this is the symmetry i was talking about) … this means that as the collapsing gas clouds whirled into the nucleus in that plane LONG AGO and the subsequent cloud’s angular momentum plane changed … the resulting out gassing dual arms followed this angular momentum plane … over time the arms that were emanating from the nucleus changed directions slightly and continually … it is that simple … and there is NO DARK MATTER REQUIRED !!! (see my post from yesterday regarding the fairy tale science called Dark Matter) … jim mccanney
01/30/2015 Picture of the Day – LOOOOOK closely at the frame below for a few minutes to see what you see … and then read the explanation below …
THIS IS A BLANK BLACK SCREEN – now imagine what they call “dark matter” … they cannot tell you what properties it should exhibit … it allegedly affects everything in the universe … but they cannot see it … it defies all the known laws of physics including the most fundamental concept that mass (98% of the universe) never coalesced to create anything visible … everything they see in space including x-rays … gamma rays … cosmic rays … you name it … are allegedly related to the magical “dark matter” … dark matter is not a new concept … it has come and gone many times in the past … and always was a theoretical requirement because the astrophysical theories did not add up … so they created the ultimate “swanz factor” … something so undetectable and invisible that no one can see or detect it … but it fills in the theoretical gap so that they do not have to admit that their theoretical structure is faulty to begin with … and endanger the almighty government paycheck … oh and i forgot … they get to sound intelligent at the same time … jim mccanney
01/27/2015 Picture of the Day – Space X rocket boosters being assembled
this is strange … Space X the elon musk owned private space company sued the US Air Force over contract fixing for the mil surveillance satellite launching contracts sighting that a consortium of old boy aerospace corporations were essentially getting no bid no competition contracts … alleging they were dragging their feet on certifying Space X for qualifying for the contracts … now here comes the weird part … USAF and Space X just settled when it became apparent that Space X was going to win … before the settlement ink was dry on the paper … drum roll … mega search and information giant GOOGLE and mega investor Fidelity (who is heavily invested in Monsanto) jointly threw $1 billion (yes with a B) into space X giving them 10% ownership and a spot on the board of directors … i am all for private space exploration but what is happening here is bizarre and weird … Google also is heavily invested in other data procurement technologies from outer space including photos from space … they have the largest data base on all matters earth and beyond (including you … yes YOU) … now they are linked with the mil boys in what is sure to generate many secret back door programs … the ones you will never see … this is getting scary … jim mccanney
P.S. now you have to understand something … just like monsanto protects its “patented” psyco seeds … can you imagine the protectionism when these mega corps set their sites on outer space ??? and keeping you the public at bay so YOU CANNOT PURSUE YOUR BIRTHRIGHT TO THE STARS … this gives a new meaning to international out of control corporations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01/26/2015 Picture of the Day – Typhoon Bonsi – with “Manipulated Signature Electric Discharge”
two photos taken from outer space illustrate graphically the electrical nature of cyclonic storms … in this case cyclone BANSI … to prepare for my radio show dedicated to explaining these pictures review my weather book “Principia Meteorologia – the Physics of Sun Earth Weather” … here are the photos courtesy of astronaut twitter feed Samantha Cristoforetti … also this “lightning” occurred as the storm increased in power and the discharge is offset typical of manipulated storms … i will be discussing this in terms of natural events and satellite manipulated storms … be sure to listen to my January 29 2015 radio show for a detailed explanation … jim mccanney
01/23/2014 Picture of the Day – The Eagle Nebula and The Pillars of Creation
One of the most famous photos in all of Astronomy … an image that speaks of the grandiose nature of the universe … i am not going to discuss any pure science topics … just look at this and appreciate that within all of this there is a reality … a physics … a mathematics … an organization … an image at the hand of the Master Creator … with a sea of stars surrounding all in order … all following the laws that are the same on the other side of the universe … how anyone can be so arrogant as to imagine that there is no plan here … no Master … no Creator … no God … to imagine that all of this just happened by chance … my book “The Diamond Principle” discusses outer space relative to the human dilemma … right now the ownership of oil, water and outer space are being divided up amongst multinational corporations and the human species is living in a sick demented experiment destined to fail … but the bottom line is that every person has a birthright to the stars … this all belongs to YOU not some deep pocket greed ridden corporation with its hands in the back pockets of politicians … and it does not belong to the military who wants you to believe they need it to defend you … they also own science and maintain a level of BAD SCIENCE AND ASTRONOMY designed to stifle any attempts by any of you to gain access to outer space … look at this picture … it belongs to all of YOU … jim mccanney
01/22/2014 Picture of the Day – Planetary Nebula – Planets forming from Comets Far from the Central Star
One thing i LOVE about Astronomy Space Science and Astrophysics are the wonderful artful photographs … soo pleasing to the eye … but as as scientist i look for the workings of the cosmos in these photos … literally every active star has something in common … they have a stellar wind of protons and electrons leaving the central star … this is explained in my work as the separation of charge resulting from nuclear fusion in the atmospheres of the Hydrogen atmospheres … another photo earlier this year (below) shows stars forming in a galactic arm plasma as you can clearly see the electrical currents passing through the region bright with newly forming stars … but in the picture below from my very earliest work regarding comets and the formation of solar systems by capture … i noted that comets were NOT some wandering ice ball from a hypothetical Oort cloud that could never be detected or confirmed by observation (another fairy tale nursery rhyme) … i discovered and theorized that comets in fact were ANY object no matter how large or small (yes even down to the size of a grain of sand) that crossed into the “solar capacitor” that surrounds our sun … below you see such a solar capacitor surrounding another nearby star … notice the small glow in the center red region … compared to our solar system that would include the area encompassing ALL of the planets of our solar system and really at about the practical limits of current telescopes to detect planet sized objects … automated searches are just beginning as this is being written and they are finding not dozens but hundreds of new planets … remember when we had only 9 known planets ??? now there are hundreds known … and they are just in the baby beginnings of searching out there … my original work in the 1970s projected MANY planets forming out in the far reaches of what i called “the Nebular Ion Cloud” or alternatively the “Doughnut Nebula” … now there is proof of these around literally every star … remember that the tail material is moving TOWARDS the comet nuclei and building the planets … not just one … but thousands of them … you see the planets forming from comets … DO YOU SEE THEM IN THE PHOTO BELOW ??? all with the forming planets show the nuclear area with the characteristic comet tail pointing radially outward from the central star … in the electric field … this far from the central star they orbit VERY SLOWLY … eventually all of them will have their orbits reduced by what i call the “tail drag” which is a principle of celestial mechanics that i discovered in conjunction with the physics of comets … not all nebulae around stars are as bright as this one … but the blue is characteristic of nitrogen in a mainly hydrogen atmosphere such as we see in the outer planets Uranus and Neptune … they formed in the far reaches of our solar system just like the planets in the photo below … once in a while these objects interact and some are diverted (perturbed is the celestial mechanics term) into the inner solar system … at that point they may interact with the other planets or eventually be captured into the inner solar system by the other planets … likewise space debris of all sizes may come into a solar system from far beyond and likewise become comets in the solar capacitor … some are large … have you ever heard the term PLANET X … my work shows that there are MANY MANY MANY Planet X objects not just one … our history seems to indicate a few but truly there are thousands of them … astronomers have secret automated telescope search programs under way to look for Planet X objects … they know i am correct in spite of the fact that the government supported disinformation agents continue to claim that there is no such thing as planet X … the government also continually sends nut case imposters to spew about planet X to make it into a crazy topic … this is to keep you the public from understanding the real nature of the cosmos because if the public knew the real story they would stop worshipping the evening fake news and worshipping the phony money god that is placed in front of them … keeping the public scientifically stupid takes a lot of money and effort … when i attend for example American Geophysical Union meetings there are in excess of 17,000 scientists in attendance … all tier 2 with fairy tale science that is propagated through the universities and ultimately to the public … there is however a layer of science above all of this that you never see i call tier 1 … i have met many of the scientists and they are serious hard working and know that everything i am doing is correct … jim mccanney P.S. the bright white stars in the photo are actually other stars in the background and foreground and not related to this star or planetary nebula.
01/21/2014 Picture of the Day – Green Comet Lovejoy
Why are some comets green and others other colors and some are white with no colors at all (like Comet Hale Bopp was white) ??? for some time standard astronomy ignored this seemingly unexplainable quagmire until lots of naked eye visible green comets started showing up a few years ago … making the public aware of it … i pointed out that the color is due to the electrical discharge of electrons passing through the gasses in the comet coma (the round gaseous head part) and the tail (the long part extending away from the sun) and that the spectrum were due to the type of light caused by electron currents like we see in tubes of gas in the laboratory and in fact i have had for a long time a posting regarding spectroscopy of comets as far back as the 1800s where astronomers identified HOT electrified gases … so standard science had to come up with an explanation … they settled on another fairy tale to cover the first fairy tale (that comets were supposedly dirty snowballs) … they simply said that gasses “glowed” in the solar ultraviolet light … but holy inadequate explanation batman and boy wonder robin … why are some comets white ??? is the ultraviolet light landing on those comets different from the ultraviolet light landing on this comet ??? of course not … but since there is no dialogue … no one gets to ask the questions that are staring in the face obvious … and the dumbed down news media that depends on NASA for their bread and butter articles cannot ask the questions … ridiculous explanations full of contradictions and half facts … my Plasma Discharge Comet Model says it all … it predicted from my earliest theoretical days that they would find x-rays far to the sunward side of the comet nucleus and that this would be the definitive experiment to drive the last spike in the coffin of the dirty snowball comet model that could in no way explain x-rays let alone far to the sunward side … when they were discovered in 1996 by a NASA satellite by accident … they quickly adopted a ridiculous theory that solar wind particles were creating a charge exchange causing x-rays … but why did not this magical explanation work on the earth or other celestial bodies … just comets ??? once again no one gets to ask real questions and demand real answers from NASA scientists … their papers are rubber stamp published in the monopoly driven space science journals … refereed by the same group who have vested interest in maintaining their government supported status quo … not only have i explained why the standard science has no reality … i have replaced it with a highly complex set of principles which have consistently predicted the results of space probe data over the past 35 years whereas the standard theories have consistently had to put band aids on top of band aids … my work also explains why comets glow green and blue and other colors … my theoretical work not only deals with comets but every other aspect of solar system activity … outer space is a vacuum and we replicate the comet gas cloud conditions every time we light a neon light bulb … electrons passing through the tube cause the neon atoms to phosphoresce … now try the NASA standard science theory in the laboratory … shine a laboratory UV light on your neon tube and see what happens … NOTHING … the fleets of NASA scientists are not even intelligent enough to do a basic laboratory experiment before they unleash their paid news media with garbage science and the news media prints it without a single question or comment since they are not scientists … jim mccanney
01/20/2014 Picture of the Day – Hurricane on Mars
Meteorologists on earth repeat the fairy tale nursery rhyme that hurricanes form from warm water in the ocean … HMMMM … now boys and girls … this concept harbors more than its share of contradictions … the biggest hurricanes in history (remember “The Perfect Storm” ???) formed over the frigid north atlantic ocean in NOVEMBER … not exactly the tropical waters of the Caribbean !!! but here we have a full blown hurricane racing across the surface of the planet Mars NEAR THE ICE COVERED NORTH POLE … note primarily however that mars has no water at all … not hot … not cold … not any at all … so how does this hurricane form ??? they cannot tell you of course … because the idea of warm water forming hurricanes is no more true than the moon is made of green cheese … yet the Rothschild owned disinformation channel WEATHER.COM hosts a sub-page stating this like you should all believe it … the reality is that all cyclonic storms and the dust devils in the picture of yesterday form and are sustained by ELECTRICAL currents that flow between the planet surface and the ionosphere … there are many reasons why they want to keep you the public stupid about these things … because if you realized that electrical energy abounded in the atmosphere and all we have to do is tap into that amazing large source of energy we would dump coal, oil and nuclear power which are the major control factors in the world today and controlled by guess who ??? ultimately the Rothschild banking empire … jim mccanney
01/19/2014 Picture of the Day – Mars Dust Devil – Tornado
Actually a dust devil on earth is a small tornado that races across the desert flatlands … but on mars these are towering tornados miles high … as in this picture … they leave a devastated terrain in its wake although there are no trees or plants … just rock and sand and dust … but how do these form ??? where are the storm clouds that they say on earth twirl and twist to form tornadoes … what is the invisible force that drives these storms ??? plus they exhibit electrical discharges … the reality is that these and ALL tornadoes are driven by electrical currents from the ionosphere … that “capacitor” is in turn driven by the solar electric field … the source of all electric activity in the solar system … additionally these cause far more change to the delicate surface features of mars than the average raging dust storms of mars … so once again how did the martian surface with its amazing amount of surface erosion last for billions of years (since the water left) according to standard astronomical space science theory ??? clearly the surface erosion features of mare are RECENT and the water leaving the planet was recent … many more pictures of the day are dedicated to this theme … for more details read my weather book “Principia Meteorologia – The Physics of Sun-Earth Weather” which includes in the center 8 high resolution photos of the entire surface of mars and discusses not only weather on earth but the weather of ALL the planets in the solar system … jim mccanney
01/18/2014 Picture of the Day – Water Erosion on Mars
Delicate meandering river beds all over mars highlands fresh as the day the water left … how long would these features last ??? see other pictures below of the giant dust storms that blanket mars … you can add 1 + 1 = 2 … seems our illustrious highly paid PhD NASA scientists are having trouble with that simple equation … jim mccanney
01/17/2014 Picture of the Day – Surface of Mars … looks like ice flows like glaciated land movement
01/16/2014 Picture of the Day – River Water Effects Comparing Mars and Earth
See the many photos below of Mars water effects but of course there is no water … jim mccanney
01/15/2014 Picture of the Day – Dust Storm on Mars
Tremendous dust storms rage on mars annually … they are so large they can be seen on earth with a modest telescope … even early astronomers with relatively poor telescopes by today’s standards could see the change of surface features … NOW BOYS AND GIRLS … GRANDMAS AND GRANDPAS … HOW LONG WOULD IT TAKE TO ERODE DELICATE SURFACE FEATURES ON MARS ??? answer … NOT VERY LONG AND CERTAINLY NOT BILLIONS NOR EVEN MILLIONS OF YEARS … in fact not even many thousands of years … so why does NASA and standard science state that the water was there billions of years ago … clear evidence shows us otherwise … see the other pictures below for many water erosion surface features that have to be recent … jim mccanney
01/14/2014 Picture of the Day – Mars … Evidence of water
This conglomeration of pebbles and sand are results of WATER … essentially moving water … in fact sand has not possible without moving water … water erosion … water erosion … water composite rocks … but … no water anywhere to be found … jim mccanney
01/13/2014 Picture of the Day – from the Mars Rover
Look off to the very right side where there is a definite water erosion path … many of the pictures lately (below) point out water erosion from orbiting satellite … but this is nose on the ground … NASA is looking for water but seem to ignore the fact that water erosion is EVERYWHERE you look … but there ain’t no water … these fine features would have eroded away after a short time due to the massive annual dust storms that rage across mars … but here they are … fresh as a daisy … clearly Mars had massive water present recently but it is all gone … the ancients tell us what happened … the giant comet Venus pulled the atmosphere and oceans off the once blue planet leaving the red dry atmosphere-less hulk we see today … jim mccanney
01/12/2014 Picture of the Day – Mars Water Erosion
Like erosion systems on the western planes of the USA … but on mars … many photos below i am concentrating on the water erosion on mars that is so evidently recent … i will explain why … jim mccanney
01/11/2014 Picture of the Day – Water Erosion on Mars … but there ain’t no water
More evidence of recent water on Mars … but also notice the credit at the bottom of this photo … interesting this photo is copyrighted by NASA /JPL-Caltech/ now look at the next part … Malin Space Science Systems … did you know that NASA does not own the cameras on its space missions … the cameras and the resulting photos are controlled by an entity known as Malin Space Science Systems … i learned about this bullshit when i was in los angeles and wondered what in the world was this all about ??? i then found out that this enterprise was headed a very young kid named David Malin … i am going to myself ‘who is this clown and what rock did he crawl out from under’ ??? later as i was soliciting venture capitol for my science projects in los angeles i found out that there is an entire ownership of science … what we imagine as “top NASA scientists” were just what i now call tier 2 level scientists which are just smoke and mirrors science … there is an entire ownership of all science … that is why i never “fit in” … i did not fit the mold of a scientist who was controllable … i cut my own path and did things MY WAY … not an acceptable method in that system … i met young college grads who were involved in the movement of millions of dollars of funding and forming new companies every day … they traveled the world and told congressmen what to do … they moved military contracts into companies that they managed and then i realized … these were the kids of the world families … the people who controlled the USA government and more … so every photo you see has first been “cleansed” for your consumption … space is already owned … jim mccanney
01/10/2014 Picture of the Day – Eden Volcanic Caldera on Mars Topo Relief Map
Two days ago i posted this caldera in a photo … here is a relief map from a vertical satellite vantage point (red areas are highlands … blue are lowlands … and black are the lowest levels) … do you see water effects and erosion ??? clearly this caldera sat near the edge of a lake or ocean … see the islands in the very low lying area to the left side of this map ??? do you see the meandering river coming north from the bottom left side that dumps into the sea and has built up a “delta” as is done with earth rivers after a long time … notice once again the cratering apparent in the highlands but completely devoid in the low areas where the water was present … in the lower right reddish area there are many smaller rivers
but why are these water rich areas recent you ask ??? simply put … because mars has extensive dust storms that rage over the planet every year that would quickly destroy and obliterate any soft geological features like delicate meandering rivers and crater rims where sand would build up … none … nothing … this is all fresh as a baby’s butt … the ancients tell us what happened … all we have to do is listen … why is there such an unbridled effort to suppress any semblance of sanity in the space science space geology world ??? listen to my weekly radio shows (all free and commercial free) and read my books to find out … jim mccanney
01/09/2014 Picture of the Day – Simulation of Major Eruption from Yellowstone Volcano Planet Earth
Estimated to kill and lay to waste EVERYTHING in the path of ash and bring earth to a global cooling death knell for the surviving 6 billion earth residents as mass starvation and crop failures occurred world wide … now are you worried about global warming … statistically this volcano is due for a major eruption and recent floor rising of lake yellowstone add credence to this dire message … one has to understand that one of my 10 Earth Mega Projects that HAS TO BE DONE AND SOON … is to drain the lake water out of yellowstone lake … i have attempted to get attention to this project but we are living in an age of gross incompetence in government and science … without the water in the lake there would be no major eruption … it could easily be drained by breaching the southeast rim of the caldera and the water would drain naturally into the scab lands of oregon … a generally waste area … jim mccanney
01/08/2014 Picture of the Day – Eden Volcanic Caldera Mars
Do you see evidence of water erosion in this photo ??? look closely … jim mccanney
01/07/2014 Picture of the Day – Mars Super Volcanoes Old or New ?
The martian surface is littered with volcanism … these mega volcanoes are so large that they did not rise and form a cone … like the massive yellowstone calderas in the western USA they would form a lake bed … IF THERE WERE ANY WATER … on the one on the right notice that there is evidence of water being in this crater … at many differing levels over geological time …once again you see other evidence … for example the area outside of the right caldera is pocked with impact craters … whereas within the crater there is only one that that matches the outside crater many craters … once again this means that the impacting objects certainly peppered the crater area but because of water erosion and the fact that it was a lakebed with water eroded any trace of their impacting that area … look in the crater can you see the signs of water erosion … leading down to the pit in the middle … there are river beds around both of these craters … and LOTS of evidence of water erosion … if you look at detailed pictures of the massive Olympus Mons volcano (the larges volcanic cone in the solar system … the two middle pictures below) you will seed it has extensive river systems flowing off the mountain side AND a common effect called “slewing” where the sides of the layers of lava split off and flow into the ocean … when there is water present these “slew” far out into the sea area … one can see the erosion and cliff areas to the windward side of Olympus Mons and the more gradual beach areas to the leeward side … ALSO … see the chart comparison below the two pics of Olympus Mons … by noting where the oceans came (the erosion cliff line on olympus mons) and comparing to earth mountains of Manua Kea and Mount Everest (the tallest mountain on earth) you can see that the oceans of mars were far deeper than the oceans of earth … mars is somewhat of an egg shape as is earth with all the land in one hemisphere and all the old oceans in the other … see my book “Principia Meteorologia – The Physics of Sun-Earth Weather” which has a high resolution set of 8 photographic plates of the entire planet Mars in the middle of the book … you will be able to see what i mean about the highlands being bombarded by crater impacts whereas the old ocean area is almost completely devoid of crater impacts … OCEANS AND OCEANS OF WATER ON MARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVIDENCE STARRING YOU IN THE FACE OF RECENT OCEANS … and NASA is “looking for water” … sorry bud there ain’t none … it all left on the last train out of town when Venus the Comet ripped it off (literally) … jim mccanney
01/06/2014 Picture of the Day – Titan large moon of Saturn surface mock up Methane Lakes
Stranger than strange … methane oceans … but look at the atmosphere … it has similarities to that of Uranus and Neptune which tells me that Titan was once a planet wandering in the vicinity of the far outer planets Uranus and Neptune and was subsequently captured by Saturn … my work from its very inception in the 1970s invoked CAPTURE as the primary method of solar system formation not only for our sun but for all stars in the galaxy … NASA finally admitted just a few years ago that at least 27 of Saturn’s small moons can only be attributed to capture … start with my peer review published paper on Galactic Formation and one main result is that only two or at most three stars would have left the galactic nucleus in one gravitational grouping (with the third star being loosely coupled to the first two in a tighter binary configuration) … the statistics of N-body random gravitational systems dictate this formula … the Russians did a great deal of work on this although they never understood why there should be just 2 or 3 stars initially and never understood the concept of capture as documented in my early work .. when you study my work you have to understand that it is a solidified collection of self-consistent theoretical concepts that meet the mathematical requirements of what we see in the heavens … Titan is more a planet than a moon … it is a smaller twin to the outer planets except that it has about 98% nitrogen in place of the Hydrogen dominant atmospheres of Uranus and Neptune … but remember that Titan has a very low surface gravity compared to the larger planets so it was not able to maintain the lighter higher velocity (at a given temperature) molecules … it could maintain the nitrogen and nitrogen compounds that abound in its atmosphere and on the planetary surface … but what this says is that in the region of the solar system the solar wind has excluded many of the denser molecular species and only the lighter more aerosol species remain … i call this the differential effect of the solar wind … so when we see nebular clouds around other stars at the far reaches of their stellar winds … you see primarily hydrogen … oxygen … nitrogen and their related compounds and a host of low chain hydrocarbons or nitrogen hydrogen compounds like methane or ammonia … is Titan a “moon” or a planet of the mini star Saturn ??? is it old or young ??? i would say it is relatively young … jim mccanney
01/05/2014 Picture of the Day – a private space program vehicle from a foreign market
do not think that the USA has a corner on the private space market … this vehicle modeled after the 1960s Russian shuttle re-entry vehicle may someday shuttle space tourists to and from space hotels … jim mccanney
01/04/2014 Picture of the Day – Mars Water Water Everywhere but Not a Drop to Drink
This phrase from “the tale of the ancient mariner” … possibly NASA should adopt it as their slogan on mars exploration as they search for water … the ancients from all over the world have left the tales of woe … Mars lost its blue oceans and atmosphere to a passing comet … that comet they called Venus and it eventually encountered earth on two occasions and finally settled into the orbit where we see the white hot planet Venus today … my physics and Plasma Discharge Comet Model explains how this happens … the ancient Maya tell us in their mythology … that stated that the “plumed serpent of the night sky Quetzalcoatl ruled the night sky for hundreds of years and eventually his heart became the planet Venus” … in the photo below and many others in the following days i will be concentrating on photos of water erosion on Mars sent back by various Mars missions from NASA … every year mars exhibits vast wind storms which alter the terrain and cover up features … if mars lost its oceans billions of years ago and NASA is searching far and wide supposedly for the reason … may the real reason is right in front of their celestial noses … but of course they cannot say the obvious … MARS HAD OCEANS AND AN ATMOSPHERE TO HOLD IT IN PLACE VERY RECENTLY … YES NOT BILLIONS BUT JUST A FEW THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO … i attended an Amecican Geophysical Union meeting where i had a poster session in the early 2000s in Fort Lauderdale Florida and encountered a number of NASA geologists presenting the latest mars images of water activity and erosion on mars … they would say under their breath that these were recent BUT not in public as they still came under the heavy handed RULE of the hierarchy and did not dare state the obvious … mars had large quantities of flowing water RECENTLY … VERY RECENTLY … note also the many craters which are obviously impact origin … they came AFTER the other surface features so they are more recent … notice how there are many on the highlands to the south and the 3 large ones to the top left … but NONE NONE NONE in the lowlands … were the impacting meteors (or comet debris from the large passing comet) so smart that they only hit on the highlands ??? no the reality is that they hit WATER regions which quickly eroded them away if they ever formed at all … more evidence of RECENT water … the impacts happened BEFORE the water left … jim mccanney
01/03/2014 Picture of the Day – High Resolution Photo Spiral Arms very clearly proves my Galaxy Formation Model
See appendix 1 of my “Planet X Comets and Earth Changes” book (in print and eBook format) which gives the reprint of my peer reviewed published paper “Continuing Galactic Formation” published in Astrophysics and Space Science Journal in 1980 … in 2009 a group of astrophysicists attempted to borrow my concept stating that the orbits of stars could not be in circles as promoted by the long help Gravity Wave model of galactic formation … i knew that in 1979 as i presented my model to the Astrophysics Department at Cornell University where i was employed at the time as a faculty member in the Physics Department (later employed by the Cornell Mathematics Department) … it was on Dr Edwin Salpeter of Cornell who defended the then (and really to this day) popular Density Wave model which propounded that all galaxy structures were started by a chance interaction of one galaxy with another to create “waves” which allegedly spun around the galactic nucleus forever .. the only problem is that the light curve data did not at all support newtonain circular orbits but showed that the stars in the mid sections of the arms were moving too fast and the near and far parts of the arm too slow (there were many other problems including “how did the galactic nucleus form?” and most of all … they had to assume “missing or invisible mass” far out into the arm system to compensate for the non-newtonian circular star orbits … so much so that there was allegedly more mass in the arms than in the galactic nucleus … they never could explain how such an un-natural configuration could exist …BUT the most striking fault was simply … the random glancing gravitational interaction with some other mass could not explain the consistent and amazing symmetry found in galactic structures … the arms exhibit precise symmetries even though the structures in the arms are tens of thousands of light years apart) … i pointed this out to Dr Ed in the hall one day at Cornell and he huffed and puffed at me stating that he still “favored the density wave model” … my paper was published anyway and stands today as the dominantly correct theory of galactic formation … as noted … in 2009 a group of astrophysicists attacked the Density Wave model in a published paper and noted that only elliptical stellar orbits could explain the arm light curves … they made what i would call a “modified density wave model” with stars in elliptical orbits but with the orbits only coming in partway to the galactic nucleus and somehow interacting with waves of gas in the arms that looked remarkably like density waves … their model suffered all of the same issues as the density wave model … if they had brought the inner edges of stellar orbits of their model to the nucleus it would have been too blatant a copy cat version of my 1980 published paper (which they by the way seemed to have forgotten to reference) … BUT now we have much better detailed photos of galactic nuclei region of some galaxies all the way into the nucleus … the photo below is one example of which there are now many … you can clearly see the arms emanating from the galactic nucleus and NOT orbiting far out as in the 2009 paper … see the appendix of my book “Planet X Comets and Earth Changes” for the reprint of that historically important paper … also note that the issue is not just about orbits but there are many other innovative and new ideas contained in that paper which leads to the CAPTURE method of solar system formation as the stars become active and begin forming planetary systems as they move out in their lifetime journey in the galactic arms … and yes there are electrical interactions that occur on a galactic level since the nucleus is a fusion based mega star with a stellar wind that pushes far beyond the visible reaches of the galactic arms … the stars interact with these but that is another topic for another posting … jim mccanney
01/02/2014 Picture of the Day – Galactic Electrical Filament with Star Formation
Star Formation in galactic nebula … if you look at pictures of galactic structures the arms are almost completely gaseous extensions like the one seen here … they come from the mixing of conditions as flows of stars and gas emanate from the galalctic nucleus as described in my peer reviewed published paper “Continuous galactic Formation” published in the Astrophysics and Space Science Journal … but how do stars form ??? do clouds just collapse or is there another process that helps speed up the process ??? yes there certainly is … the stars are discharging the local capacitor in the galactic arms (the same type of Fusion supported Solar Capacitor that surrounds our sun as described in my work) … this process continues throughout the life of the star as the initial allotment of hydrogen is NOT SUFFICIENT to last for billions of years … the supply has to be constantly re-supplied … at a conference once an engineer approached me stating his calculations prove that the sun cannot be 4.5 billion years old as claimed by standard astronomical theory … i listened as he described a simple calculation … take the energy loss due to converting matter to light (E=mc2) and mass loss due to the solar wind and calculate how long the sun would last to expend ALL of the solar mass (not just its estimated core where scientists incorrectly belief that the solar fusion is occurring) … sure enough he was dead on … the sun simply does not have enough mass to keep it going that long … SOOOO … there are two things in my theoretical work that explain how the sun can keep going for long periods of time … 1) the sun has to be replenished with Hydrogen (and other elements like Deuterium) and this can only happen if the sun is acting like a comet (as in my Plasma Discharge Comet Model for solar system comets) but the stars are acting like comets in the galactic wind that is also fusion based in the galactic core … 2) how do you get this new hydrogen to the core where standard science says the fusion is occurring ??? the answer is simple … you don’t … the solar fusion is at the surface … read my explanations for the surface solar fusion of the sun powered by ongoing electrical bolts in the solar atmosphere … the same process that powers low levels of fusion in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn the two companion STARS to our sun … they have stellar atmospheres … and both additionally have fusion based proton winds … something that NASA is hiding but which surfaced in early articles published in SCIENCE magazine from the Voyager space craft passages of those “planets” … ooops … i mean “stars” … look in the pic below and you will seed the filaments of electrical current as the stars form in the arms where the electrical discharges are occurring … jim mccanney
01/01/2014 Picture of the Day – Surface map of Saturn Moon Tethys
Note that there is evidence of both impact craters AND volcanic types of activity… there are “flow” areas reminiscent of water flowing on the surface over vast areas of the moon’s surface … the only problem there are no fluids to account for flows … the surface is completely frozen water ice … the entire moon all the way to its small core is frozen water ice … flowing out of the crater at the top left is a massive volcanic flow where apparently the crater wall was breached … similar to volcanic flows on planet earth … for a surface that standard science says is 4.5 billion years old (as old as our moon they say) there sure is a lack of impact craters making this “4.5 billion year old moon” (the standard science story) look like a celestial baby … also note the valleys and mountain ranges … how do mountain ranges form on a small planet like this out of solid ice ??? yes planet … it is round and solid and in all respects is a planet in Saturn’s solar system … and yes Saturn is NOT a planet it is a small star … with ongoing fusion in its atmosphere but back to Tethys …
HERE IS THE CLINCHER !!! aren’t comets supposed to be dirty snow balls and sublimate as the move in the solar wind ??? like the many icy moons of Jupiter … NONE OF THEM EXHIBIT THE LEAST AMOUNT OF COMET LIKE ACTIVITY even though they ALL lie naked to the solar wind … according to standard dirty ice ball theory this should have been a raging large comet and there should be NO ice on it at all certainly after 4.5 billion years … the contradictions in standard astronomical theory are everywhere you look EVERYWHERE and NASA has no answers … in fact … you cannot contact them to even ask the question … jim mccanney
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Sometimes comets get pulled in by the Sun, as seen by LASCO SOHO spacecraft sees two comets plunge into the Sun. In a rare celestial spectacle, two comets were observed plunging into the Sun’s atmosphere in close succession, on 1 and 2 June 2000. This unusual event on Earth’s own star was followed on 2 June 2000 by a likely unrelated but also dramatic ejection of solar gas and magnetic fields on the southwest (or lower right) limb of the Sun. |
Sometimes people wonder why I cannot stand the morons that call themselves NASA scientists, and especially the morons at SOHO. This is what I am talking about in the post above for February 18, 2003. Now read the caption very carefully and note that as these 2 comets passed through the solar flare and created the “largest solar flare ever recorded by SOHO to this date” … nasa says
“SOHO spacecraft sees two comets plunge into the Sun. In a rare celestial spectacle, two comets were observed plunging into the Sun’s atmosphere in close succession, on 1 and 2 June 2000. This unusual event on Earth’s own star was followed on 2 June 2000 by a likely unrelated but also dramatic ejection of solar gas and magnetic fields on the southwest (or lower right) limb of the Sun.”
See what I mean about the creeping crud. Now all of a sudden it slips into a SOHO page posting that it is quite expected that comet V1 will cause a spectacular CME at or near perihelion. At the time of the above 2 comets and associated ejection I and many others notified NASA that this was confirmation of my theory regarding how comets interact with the Sun. NASA as you can see above rejected that idea.
I’m leaving the space open below for your response
NASA response: (nothing yet)
The barred galaxy NGC 1365 shows perfect symmetry in the arms. Appendix I of my book “Planet X, Comets and Earth Changes” explains the process of galactic arm formation and one result proves that only Jupiter and our Sun could have been the original members of our “solar system” … with ALL of the other planets, moons, asteroids and comets being captured at a later date. There are many Planet X type objects associated with our solar system.
PICTURE OF THE DAY (DEC 18, 2002) – Jupiter – our second sun … Astronomers still mistakenly call Jupiter a “planet” … My book explains the data showing it to be a small star. At one time in the past Jupiter was as bright as the Sun. Could it ignite again? Is Jupiter still undergoing Fusion?